CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
See Enclosure C
1. Purpose
a. This guide is an executive summary of the Department of Defense’s
(DoD’s) joint planning and execution enterprise. This guide, and associated
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (CJCS) 3130 family of documents, provide
policy and procedures for implementing Secretary of Defense (SecDef) guidance
in joint planning and execution.
(1) Enclosure A provides an overview of the joint planning and
execution enterprise.
(2) Enclosure B summarizes the intent of each directive in the CJCS
3130 family of documents, which provide standard policies and procedures.
b. The joint planning and execution enterprise encompasses doctrine,
organization, training, materiel, leadership, education, personnel, facilities, and
policy. It is a compilation of joint policies, processes, procedures, tools,
training, education, and stakeholders associated with developing and
implementing plans and orders to further strategic objectives. It integrates
strategic planning, operational planning, and execution activities of the joint
planning and execution community (JPEC) to transition planning to execution.
Planning operational activities and functions span many organizations at all
levels of the chain of command. Collaboration among the supported and
supporting commands, Services, and other DoD and non-DoD organizations is
an essential element of the enterprise necessary to achieve unified action. It
informs the entire chain of command, from the President of the United States
down to the lowest level, facilitating informed decisions on how, when, and
where to employ the military. Joint planning and execution is applicable
across the range and spectrum of military operations in support of the National
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
Security Strategy (NSS) (reference a), National Defense Strategy (NDS) (reference
b), and National Military Strategy (NMS) (reference c).
2. Superseded. CJCS Guide 3130, “Adaptive Planning and Execution (APEX)
Overview and Policy Framework,” 5 March 2019, is hereby superseded.
3. Applicability
a. Policies and procedures apply to Combatant Commands (CCMDs), sub-
unified commands, joint task forces, subordinate components of these joint
commands, Services, combat support agencies, the Joint Staff, and the
National Guard Bureau.
b. This guide and the associated CJCS 3130 family of documents must be
followed except when, in the judgment of the commander, exceptional
circumstances dictate otherwise. If a conflict arises between the contents of
this guide and the contents of other joint or Service publications, this guide
takes precedence for the activities of the joint forces unless the CJCS has
provided more current and specific guidance to the contrary.
4. Summary of Changes. Changes to CJCS Guide 3130 include: removing
obsolete terminology, specifically the term “Adaptive Planning and Execution
(APEX)”; incorporating the latest strategic guidance and references; updating
terms and definitions for directed readiness, assignment, and allocation; and
updating figures describing the joint planning and execution enterprise and
joint planning and execution.
5. Releasability. UNRESTRICTED. This directive is approved for public
release; distribution is unlimited on the Non-secure Internet Protocol Router
Network. DoD components (including the CCMDs), other Federal agencies, and
the public may obtain copies of this directive through the Internet from the
CJCS electronic library at: <https://www.jcs.mil/Library>. Access may also
be obtained via the Secure Internet Protocol Router Network directives
electronic library web sites.
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CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
OPR for the subject directive has chosen electronic distribution to the above orgranizations via
E-mail. The Joint Staff Information Management Division has responsibility for publishing th
bject directive to the SIPR and NIPR Joint Electronic Library web sites.
Distribution A, B, C plus the following:
Secretary of Defense ........................................................................................ 2
Commandant, United States Coast Guard ....................................................... 2
Administrator, Federal Emergency Management Agency .................................. 2
Marine Corps Combat Development Command ................................................ 2
President, National Defense University ............................................................ 2
Commandant, Joint Forces Staff College ......................................................... 2
Commandant, Eisenhower School for National Security
and Resource Strategy ................................................................................ 2
Commandant, National War College ................................................................ 2
Commandant, Army War College ..................................................................... 2
President, Naval War College ........................................................................... 2
Commander, Air University ............................................................................. 2
Commandant, Air War College ........................................................................ 2
Commandant, Air Command and Staff College ................................................ 2
President, Marine Corps University ................................................................. 2
Director, Marine Corps War College ................................................................. 2
Director, Marine Command and Staff College .................................................. 2
Chief, National Guard Bureau ......................................................................... 2
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
ENCLOSURE A – JOINT PLANNING AND EXECUTION ................................. A-1
Purpose .................................................................................................. A-1
Joint Planning and Execution Enterprise ................................................ A-1
Global Military Integration ...................................................................... A-1
Strategic Direction .................................................................................. A-1
Ends, Ways, and Means ......................................................................... A-3
Instruments of National Power ................................................................ A-4
Joint Planning and Execution ................................................................. A-4
Planning and Execution Evolution .......................................................... A-9
3130 FAMILY OF DOCUMENTS .................................... B-1
Purpose .................................................................................................. B-1
Planning Documentation ........................................................................ B-1
ENCLOSURE C – REFERENCES .................................................................. C-1
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................ GL-1
Part I – Abbreviations and Acronyms .................................................... GL-1
Part II – Terms and Definitions ............................................................. GL-2
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
1. Joint Planning and Execution Enterprise ................................................ A-3
2. Joint Planning and Execution ................................................................. A-5
1. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Planning and
Execution Family of Documents .......................................................... B-4
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-1 Enclosure A
1. Purpose. This enclosure provides an executive overview of the joint
planning and execution enterprise.
a. The enterprise’s CJCS family of documents provides standard policies
and procedures to plan for and execute joint activities. They facilitate
collaboration and unified action through the chain of command. This includes
providing informed recommendations to the President and SecDef to direct the
military in pursuit of national and defense policy objectives.
b. Information technology (IT) capabilities enable planners access to shared
data and information to plan collaboratively and execute military activities.
These IT capabilities include applications, tools, services, and databases that
are constantly evolving. As new IT capabilities are developed and fielded, the
CJCS 3130 family of documents will be updated to provide common operating
2. Joint Planning and Execution Enterprise. A DoD enterprise of joint policies,
processes, procedures, and reporting structures, supported by
communications and information technology that is used by the JPEC to
monitor, plan, and execute mobilization, deployment, employment,
sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization activities associated with joint
operations. Figure 1 is a conceptual view of the enterprise. This includes the
civilian-military dialogue that shapes strategic guidance directing the
development and execution of military plans. Planning and execution inform
the civilian-military dialogue. As options are selected and plans are refined,
planning and execution provides detailed courses of action. The resultant
resource-informed plans balance strategic and operational ends, ways, and
means with understood assumptions at acceptable risk in pursuit of policy
3. Global Military Integration. The CJCS has the statutory function of
providing advice to the President and SecDef on global military integration
(reference d). Reference e introduce planning and execution related to global
military integration.
4. Strategic Direction. Strategic direction is the strategy and intent of the
President, SecDef, and CJCS in pursuit of national interests. It is the common
thread that integrates and synchronizes planning activities and operations of
the supported and supporting commands, Services, and other organizations.
CJCS Guide 3130
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A-2 Enclosure A
The President, SecDef, or CJCS provides strategic direction to the military in
documents, orders, and memorandums. When time is of the essence, this
direction may be delivered verbally. Capstone strategic guidance documents
that contain strategic direction include:
a. President. Presidential executive orders, directives, and memorandums,
the NSS (reference a), Contingency Planning Guidance (reference f), and Unified
Command Plan (reference g).
b. Secretary of Defense. The NDS (reference b), Defense Planning Guidance
(reference h), Global Force Management Implementation Guidance (GFMIG)
(reference i), and Guidance for the Employment of the Force (reference j).
c. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. The NMS (reference c), CJCSI
3110.01, “Joint Strategic Campaign Plan” (JSCP) (reference k), and CJCSI
3100.01, “Joint Strategic Planning System” (JSPS) (reference e).
d. Secretary of State. Department of State (DOS) and U.S. Agency for
International Development Joint Strategic Plan provides additional information
to the Combatant Commanders (CCDRs) to understand the goals and efforts of
the DOS. Further, the CCDRs are also informed by DOS Joint Regional
(Bureau) Strategies and by the plans created by the corresponding functional
bureaus within the DOS.
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-3 Enclosure A
Figure 1. Joint Planning and Execution Enterprise
5. Ends, Ways, and Means
a. The U.S. Government achieves strategic objectives by maintaining the
appropriate balance between ends, ways, and means.
b. Policy and strategy analysis is conducted by recurring and continuous
civilian-military dialogue among the President, SecDef, CJCS, interagency
leadership, Service-level leadership, and CCDRs responsible for directed
campaign and contingency plans, activities, and operations. The goal of this
dialogue is to achieve and maintain a shared understanding of:
(1) Strategic, cultural, and operational context.
(2) Potential or emerging challenges to U.S. national interests.
(3) Political acceptability of operational approaches.
(4) Resources necessary and available to achieve strategic and
operational objectives.
CJCS Strategy,
Guidance, & Policy
Department of Defense
Policies and Guidance
Rest of Interagency
Policies and Strategies
Departments, Agencies
Department of State
Policies and Strategies
Presidential Priorities,
Policies, and Guidance
National Interests
Civilian Military Dialogue
Policy Strategy Analysis
Goal = Shared understanding of situation, Ends,
Ways, Means, and Risk
Military Planning and Execution Process
Secretary of State
Secretary of Defense
CCJO Capstone Concept for Joint Operations
CPG Contingency Planning Guidance
DPG Defense Planning Guidance
GFMIG Global Force Management Implementation Guidance
ICS Integrated Country Strategy
IPR In Progress Review
JMNA Joint Military Net Assessment
JRS – Joint Regional Strategies
JSCP Joint Strategic Campaign Plan
JSP Joint Strategic Plan
NDS National Defense Strategy
NMS National Military Strategy
NSS National Security Strategy
PM Presidential Memorandums
SDOB Secretary of Defense Orders Book
UCP Unified Command Plan
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-4 Enclosure A
(5) Risk and mitigation options.
(6) Timing and content of required senior leader decisions.
6. Instruments of National Power. Consideration and proper application of all
instruments of national power throughout planning should lead to an effective
integration of whole-of-government actions during execution. CCMDs develop
plans outlining their vision for coordinating and synchronizing military
activities and operations with other instruments of national power to attain
national strategic ends. The supported command or organization is
responsible for synchronizing the instruments of national power to achieve a
unified effect. Depending on the situation, the military may be in a supported
or supporting role.
7. Joint Planning and Execution. Joint planning and execution consists of
operational activities and planning and execution functions (see Figure 2).
a. Operational Activities
(1) Situational Awareness. Situational awareness is achieved through
the continuous monitoring of the strategic and operational environment. It is
the foundation supporting the cycle of planning, execution, and assessment
activities. Situational awareness informs leaders with a current and relevant
understanding of the dynamic operating environment.
(2) Planning. Planning implements strategic direction into military
plans and orders. Planners draw upon strategies and concepts to develop
campaign and contingency plans that shape options and courses of action for
military responses. Planning informs the civilian-military dialogue, leading to a
shared understanding of ends, ways, and means. It integrates long-term and
crisis-planning into one flexible construct. Depending on time constraints,
planning functions can be performed in series over a period of time, in a
compressed timeline, in parallel, or can be eliminated, as appropriate.
CJCS Guide 3130
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A-5 Enclosure A
Figure 2. Joint Planning and Execution
(3) Execution. During all execution functions, supported and
supporting commanders, Services, and other organizations throughout the
chain of command direct, monitor, assess, and adjust efforts toward achieving
military objectives. Branch plans and sequels continue to evolve in response to
actual and anticipated changes in the operating environment. CCDRs
continuously execute military activities that are integral to their plans.
Execution of subsequent branches or sequels to the plan may be conducted
under different authorities dependent upon the type of activity (e.g., operation,
exercise, security cooperation). Execution continues until the mission is
accomplished, revised, or until reset begins.
(4) Assessment
(a) Assessment is the continuous monitoring and evaluation of the
current situation and progress of a plan or operation toward mission
accomplishment. Joint planning and execution requires assessments at all
levels of the chain of command through planning and execution. Leaders at all
levels within the chain of command use assessments to determine if correct
actions are being taken and if those actions are being accomplished correctly.
This feedback becomes the basis for learning, adaptation, and subsequent
Plan Plan
Developrrent Developrrent
Directed Readiness
Preferred Force Identification
Contingency Sourcing
Execution Sourcing
Planning Discu
ions and
Progress Reviews
p I
Progress Review
Defense Orders Book
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-6 Enclosure A
adjustment. Assessment involves comparing forecasted outcomes to actual
events to determine the overall effectiveness of actions planned or taken.
Assessments identify tactical and operational risks that enable improvements
to the commander’s operational approach and the military plan. Assessments
also identify strategic risks that inform civilian-military leaders and influence
policy-level decisions. Reference l addresses plan assessment.
(b) Staff estimates are functional assessments that are updated
continuously throughout all operational activities. They help establish and
maintain coordination and cooperation with staffs and units throughout the
chain of command. They provide assessments of proposed actions that help
inform the planners and assist the commander’s decision making. Accurate,
timely, and integrated staff estimates directly affect the commander’s ability to
make well-informed resource and risk-based decisions by improving situational
awareness. Plans at all levels consider the functional expertise in each
respective staff area. For example:
1. Intelligence planning integrates DoD and intelligence
community capabilities to support the Joint Strategic Planning System and
satisfy CCDRs’ intelligence requirements, assess the intelligence capabilities,
develop an intelligence concept of operations, and identify risk based on
knowledge gaps, capability gaps and shortfalls. Reference m discusses
intelligence planning in further detail.
2. Joint logistics planning provides the means to integrate,
synchronize, and prioritize joint logistics capabilities to achieve the supported
commander’s operational objectives and desired outcome. References n and o
address support planning.
b. Planning Functions
(1) Joint planning consists of four functions: strategic guidance,
concept development, plan development, and plan assessment. During these
functions, the goal is to produce standardized and transition-ready plans that
accomplish assigned objectives, align with strategic guidance, and reflect the
current operating environment and resource constraints. The supported
commanders synchronize efforts among the JPEC and maintain an ongoing
civilian-military dialogue, which allows for adjustments to guidance and the
developing plan to adapt to changes in the strategic and operational
environment. Planning addresses how the execution functions will be
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-7 Enclosure A
(2) Planning leverages several tools and processes. IT tools enable
planner collaboration and access to shared authoritative data. Processes (i.e.,
operational art, operational design, and joint planning) provide planners with
flexible analytical techniques for framing problems and logically developing
plans and orders to accomplish missions or objectives. References p and q
expand on the processes used during planning.
c. Execution Functions. There are seven execution functions: allocation,
mobilization, deployment, distribution, employment, redeployment, and
demobilization. During each function, supported and supporting commanders,
Services, and other organizations direct, monitor, assess, and adjust. CCDRs
continue to review progress during execution with the President, SecDef, and
CJCS to ensure their planning remains consistent with national objectives and
assumptions. References p, q, and r provide detailed discussion on the
execution processes, roles, and responsibilities.
d. Global Force Management Processes. Overlaying the joint planning and
execution process, global force management (GFM) serves to align directed
readiness, force assignment, allocation, apportionment, and assessment to
support reference b. Directed readiness and assignment run throughout the
planning and execution functions. Allocation is limited to execution functions,
while apportionment is part of planning. These GFM processes are detailed in
reference i.
e. Sourcing. Strategy and resource-informed planning require the
development of plans based on the readiness and availability of the force, the
capacity and capability of the logistics and transportation systems, preferred
munitions, host nation support, and contract support. GFM procedures
provide proactive, resource-informed, and risk-informed planning assumptions
and estimates and execution decision-making regarding military forces. Time
phased force requirements are documented as notional time-phased force and
deployment data (TPFDD). Within GFM, there are three levels of matching
forces to requirements, depending upon the end state required: identification
of preferred forces, contingency sourcing, and execution sourcing.
(1) Preferred Forces. CCMD planners identify preferred forces as a
planning assumption necessary to continue planning and assess the feasibility
of a plan. The amount/quantity of identified preferred forces should be within
the quantities of those force types apportioned. Preferred forces are planning
assumptions only and do not indicate that these forces will be contingency or
execution sourced. The degree to which the CCDR makes appropriate planning
assumptions when identifying preferred forces improves the feasibility of a
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-8 Enclosure A
(2) Contingency Sourcing. Contingency sourcing is a part of the plan
assessment. It entails the Joint Force Coordinator and joint force providers
identifying forces that meet the sourcing guidance communicated in the
contingency sourcing message, which is based on assumptions, and represents
a snapshot of sourcing feasibility for senior leaders. References i and s contain
detailed step-by-step procedures for contingency sourcing.
(3) Execution Sourcing. During execution, the supported CCDR may
task their assigned forces to fill force requirements to perform authorized
missions. These requirements constitute the assigned force demand. If
additional forces are required, the supported CCDR requests those forces
through the GFM allocation process for consideration by the SecDef. The
SecDef’s decision to allocate forces involves weighing the force providers’ risks
of sourcing with operational risks to both current operations and potential
future contingencies. SecDef decisions are ordered in the Global Force
Management Allocation Plan (GFMAP) and transmitted via deployment orders
down the force provider’s chain of command to the unit or individual. The
force provider conducts deployment planning and documents the deployment
and movement plan in the TPFDD, which contains the detailed data needed to
conduct movement. References i and s contain a more detailed discussion of
directed readiness, assignment, allocation, apportionment, and assessment.
References r and t detail the TPFDD development process.
f. In-Progress Reviews. In-progress reviews (IPRs) are an ongoing process
to gain SecDef review and approval of plans and provide a forum for senior
leaders to focus on CCDR’s plans to refine strategic direction and discuss
military options early in the planning process. As the plan is developed, these
discussions assist in understanding strategic and operational assumptions,
risks, decision points, and addressing issues and concerns. Reference l
provides a detailed discussion of the IPR process for CCMD level plans. IPRs
continue, as required, to determine if actions taken are achieving objectives
toward the end state based on a dynamic environment.
g. Secretary of Defense Orders Book. The Secretary of Defense Orders
Book (SDOB) is a briefing used to route draft orders through the Directors of
the Joint Staff Directorates, Office of the Secretary of Defense, and CJCS to the
SecDef for approval. Examples include, but are not limited to, the GFMAP and
modifications, warning orders, execute orders, deployment orders, force
preparation messages, and alert and mobilization orders. References i and s
discuss the SDOB process in greater detail.
h. Planning and Execution Products. Plans and orders are products
produced during planning and execution. The format and content of these
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-9 Enclosure A
documents are dependent upon the scope of planning or execution and is
prescribed in the CJCS 3130 family of documents. Reference u provides
planning template formats.
8. Planning and Execution Evolution. Planning and execution will evolve to
meet the challenges faced when applying the joint forces to address global and
regional challenges. The procedures in the CJCS 3130 family of documents
provide commanders a common standard when collaboratively planning and
executing joint operations.
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
A-10 Enclosure A
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
B-1 Enclosure B
1. Purpose. This enclosure provides a description and summary of the CJCS
3130 family of documents. These documents provide the policies, processes,
and procedures that govern planning and execution activities.
2. Planning Documentation. The CJCS 3130 family of documents is a mix of
policy and procedure documents. Those documents will be updated and
revised as driven by operational necessity. Table 1 details the current CJCS
3130 family of documents. A narrative summary of current and future
documents follows:
a. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Guide 3130. CJCS Guide 3130,
“Planning and Execution Overview and Policy Framework,” provides an
executive summary of the enterprise and specifies where the detailed policies
and procedures are found within the CJCS 3130 Guide family of documents.
b. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.02. CJCSM
3130.02, “Joint Planning and Execution Policies and Procedures,” details and
describes the integration of the various processes. It will describe the
application of joint policies and procedures for the development and
implementation of plans developed in crisis and non-crisis situations.
c. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3122.01. CJCSM 3122.01,
“Joint Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume I, Planning
Policies and Procedures,” will be rescinded upon publication of CJCSM
d. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.03. CJCSM
3130.03, “Planning and Execution Formats and Guidance,” sets forth
administrative instructions for joint operation plan formats submitted for
review to the CJCS, as well as the orders generated to execute.
e. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.03-1. CJCSM
3130.03-1, “Defense Support of Civil Authority (DSCA) Supplement to CJCSM
3130.03 Series, Planning and Execution Formats and Guidance,” provides
planning formats for Defense Support of Civil Authorities operations.
f. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.04. CJCSM 3130.04,
“Deployment Policies and Procedures,” will establish policies and procedures to
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
B-2 Enclosure B
plan and execute joint deployment and redeployment operations. It will detail
the TPFDD and describe the force planning requirements to validate, schedule,
optimize, and move force requirements within a TPFDD.
g. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3122.02 and Chairman of
the Joint Chiefs of Staff Guide 3122. CJCSM 3122.02, “Joint Operation
Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume III Time Phased Force and
Deployment Data Development and Deployment Execution” and CJCS Guide
3122, “Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD) Primer,” will be
rescinded upon publication of CJCSM 3130.04.
h. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.05. CJCSM
3130.05, “Joint Planning and Execution Service (JPES) - Information Systems
Governance,” will provide policy and procedures to govern and manage the
JPES IT system.
i. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3122.05. CJCSM 3122.05,
“Operating Procedures for Joint Operation Planning and Execution System–
(JOPES) - Information Systems (IS) Governance,” will be rescinded upon
publication of CJCSM 3130.05.
j. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.06. CJCSM 3130.06,
“Global Force Management Allocation Policies and Procedures,” establishes
policy and procedures to plan and execute GFM allocation activities. It
implements SecDef guidance found in the GFMIG into policy.
k. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.07. CJCSM
3130.07, “Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations (IJSTO) Supplement to
CJCSM 3130.02 Series, Planning and Execution (PEX) Policies and
Procedures,” will establish guidance for the integration of IJSTO into planning
and execution.
l. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3122.07. CJSCM 3122.07,
“Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations (IJSTO) Supplement to Joint
Operation Planning and Execution System (JOPES) Volume I (Planning Policy
and Procedures),” will be rescinded upon publication of CJCSM 3130.07.
m. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.08. CJCSM
3130.08, “Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations (IJSTO) Supplement to
CJCSM 3130.03 Series, ‘Planning and Execution Formats and Guidance’,”
provides planning formats and guidance for IJSTO enclosures to operation
plans and concept plans.
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
B-3 Enclosure B
n. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual 3130.09. CJCSM
3130.09, “Interagency Coordination Processes,” will identify processes military
planners will use to apply planning and execution principles toward
interagency coordination.
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
B-4 Enclosure B
CJCS Joint Planning and Execution Family of Documents
Title OPR
Future Document Document
Joint Planning and Execution
and Policy Framework
Joint Staff J-
CJCS Guide
CJCS Guide 3130
“Joint Planning and Execution
Overview and Policy Framework”
JOPES Volume I, Planning
Policies and Procedures
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3122.01
CJCSM 3130.02
“Joint Policies and Procedures”
Planning Formats and
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3130.03
CJCSM 3130.03
“Planning and Execution
Defense Support of Civil
Authority (DSCA) Supplement
to CJCSM 3130.03
Joint Staff
CJCSM 3130.03-
CJCSM 3130-03-1 Defense
Support of Civil Authority
(DSCA) Supplement to CJCSM
Development and Deployment
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3122.02
CJCSM 3130.04
“Deployment Policies and
Operating Procedures for
JOPES Information Systems
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3122.05
CJCSM 3130.05
“JPES Information Systems
Global Force Management
Allocation Policies and
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3130.06
CJCSM 3130.06
“Global Force Management
Allocation Policies and
IJSTO Supplement to JOPES
Volume I (Planning Policy and
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3122.07
CJCSM 3130.07
“IJSTO Supplement to CJCSM
IJSTO Supplement to JOPES
(Volume II) Planning Formats
and Guidance
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3130.08
CJCSM 3130.08
“IJSTO Supplement to CJCSM
Interagency Coordination
Joint Staff J-
CJCSM 3130.09
“Interagency Coordination
Table 1. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Planning and Execution
Family of Documents
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
C-1 Enclosure C
a. President of the United States of America, October 2022, National Security
b. Secretary of Defense, 28 March 2022, 2022 National Defense Strategy of the
United States of America
c. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 14 August 2022, National Military
Strategy 2022
d. Title 10, U.S. Code
e. CJCSI 3100.01 Series, “Joint Strategic Planning System (JSPS)”
f. President of the United States of America, 10 August 2021, Contingency
Planning Guidance 2021–2023
g. President of the United States of America, 13 January 2021, Unified
Command Plan
h. Secretary of Defense, 22 February 2023, FY 2024–2028 Defense Planning
i. Secretary of Defense, 6 February 2023, Fiscal Years 2023–2025 Global Force
Management Implementation Guidance
j. Secretary of Defense, forthcoming, Guidance for the Employment of the Force
k. CJCSI 3110.01 Series, “Joint Strategic Campaign Plan (JSCP)”
l. CJCSI 3141.01 Series, “Management and Review of Campaign and
Contingency Plans”
m. CJCSM 3314.01 Series, “Intelligence Planning”
n. JP 4-0, 4 February 2019, “Joint Logistics”
o. CJCSI 3110.03 Series, “Logistics Supplement (LOGSUP) for the 2021 Joint
Strategic Campaign Plan (JSCP)”
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
C-2 Enclosure C
p. JP 5-0, 1 December 2020, “Joint Planning”
q. CJCSM 3122.01 Series, “Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
(JOPES) Volume I, Planning Policies and Procedures”
r. CJCSM 3122.02 Series, “Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
(JOPES) Volume III Time Phased Force and Deployment Data Development and
Deployment Execution”
s. CJCSM 3130.06 Series, “Global Force Management Allocation Policies and
t. CJCS Guide 3122, “Time-Phased Force and Deployment Data (TPFDD)
u. CJCSM 3130.03 Series, “Planning and Execution Formats and Guidance”
CJCS Guide 3130
12 April 2023
GL-1 Glossary
CCMD Combatant Command
CCDR Combatant Commander
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CJCSM Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Manual
CSA combat support agency
DoD Department of Defense
EAP Emergency Action Procedures
GFM Global Force Management
GFMAP Global Force Management Allocation Plan
GFMIG Global Force Management Implementation Guidance
IJSTO Integrated Joint Special Technical Operations
IPR in-progress review
IT information technology
JOPES Joint Operation Planning and Execution System
JPEC Joint planning and execution community
JPES Joint planning and execution services
SDOB Secretary of Defense Orders Book
SecDef Secretary of Defense
TPFDD time-phased force and deployment data
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GL-2 Glossary
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GL-3 Glossary
joint planning and execution enterprise. A Department of Defense enterprise of
joint policies, processes, procedures, and reporting structures, supported by
communications and information technology that is used by the joint planning
and execution community to monitor, plan, and execute mobilization,
deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization
activities associated with joint operations.
alert order. (1) A planning directive normally associated with a crisis, issued
by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on behalf of the President or
Secretary of Defense, that provides essential planning guidance and directs the
development, adaptation, or refinement of a plan or order after the directing
authority approves a military course of action. (2) A planning directive that
provides essential planning guidance, directs the initiation of planning after the
directing authority approves a military course of action, but does not authorize
execution. Also called ALERTORD. (JP 5-0)
allocated forces. Those forces, individuals, and resources provided by the
President or Secretary of Defense to a Combatant Commander (CCDR), not
already assigned to that CCDR, for execution. (GFMIG)
allocation. The command and control mechanism specified in title 10, U.S.
Code, section 162 for the Secretary of Defense to temporarily adjust the
distribution of forces among the Combatant Commands and U.S. Element,
North American Aerospace Defense Command to accomplish directed missions.
apportioned forces. Those forces and resources assumed to be available for
planning as averaged over the fiscal year. Apportioned forces are what a
Combatant Commander can reasonably expect to be made available, but not
necessarily an identification of the actual forces that will be allocated for use
when a contingency plan transitions to execution. They may include those
assigned, those expected through mobilization, and those programmed.
apportionment. The quantities of force capabilities and resources provided for
planning purposes only, but not necessarily an identification of the actual
forces that may be allocated for use when a plan transitions to execution.
(JP 5-0)
assessment. (1) A continuous process that measures the overall effectiveness
of employing joint force capabilities during military operations. (2)
Determination of the progress toward accomplishing a task, creating a
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GL-4 Glossary
condition, or achieving an objective. (3) Analysis of the security, effectiveness,
and potential of an existing or planned intelligence activity. (4) Judgment of
the motives, qualifications, and characteristics of present or prospective
employees or agents. (JP 3-0)
assigned force demand. Tracking of the demand signal for Combatant
Commander (CCDR) use of forces assigned by the “Forces For” memorandum
to conduct operational missions within the CCDR area of resposnibility as part
of the Global Force Management process. (CJCSM 3130.06)
assigned forces. Those forces and resources that have been placed under
combatant command (command authority) of a unified or specified commander
by the direction of the Secretary of Defense in the “Forces for” memorandum
according to title 10, U.S. Code, section 162, or in accordance with Section II of
the Global Force Management Implementation Guidance. (GFMIG)
assignment. The command and control mechanism specified in title 10, U.S.
Code, section 162 for the Secretary of Defense to distribute forces to the
Combatant Commands (CCMDs) and U.S. Element, North American Aerospace
Defense Command to accomplish directed missions. responsibility to assign
forces to CCMDs in support of the strategic Unified Command Plan. (GFMIG)
campaign plan. A joint operation plan for a series of related major operations
aimed at achieving strategic or operational objectives within a given time and
space. (JP 5-0)
Combatant Command. A unified or specified command with a broad
continuing mission under a single commander established and so designated
by the President through the Secretary of Defense and with the advice and
assistance of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Combatant Commands
typically have geographic or functional responsibilities. (JP 1)
Combatant Commander. A commander of one of the unified or specified
Combatant Commands established by the President. (JP 3-0)
concept plan. An operation plan in an abbreviated format that may require
considerable expansion or alteration to convert it into a complete operation
plan or operation order. Also called CONPLAN. (JP 5-0)
contingency sourced forces. Specific forces identified by joint force providers,
assisted by their Service components and the parent Services, which meet the
Combatant Commander’s planning requirement at a specified point in time.
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GL-5 Glossary
contingency sourcing. The process of the joint force providers—assisted by
their Service components and the parent Services—identifying forces which
meet the Combatant Commander’s planning requirement for plans at a
specified point in time and represents a snapshot depiction for senior
course of action. (1) Any sequence of activities that an individual or unit may
follow. (2) A scheme developed to accomplish a mission. (JP 5-0)
deployment. The movement of forces into and out of an operational area.
(JP 3-35).
deployment order. (1) A directive for the deployments of forces for operations
or exercises. (2) A directive from the Secretary of Defense, issued by the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, that authorizes the transfer of forces
between Combatant Commanders, Services, and Department of Defense
agencies and specifies the authorities the gaining combatant commander will
exercise over the specific forces to be transferred. Also called DEPORD.
directed readiness. The Global Force Management process, which allows the
Secretary of Defense to balance risk by directing the expected readiness of
specific force elements for proactive and scalable operations, while modernizing
and preserving force availability in the event of a major contingency.
DoD agencies. Organizational entities of the Department of Defemse
established by the Secretary of Defense under title 10, U.S. Code to perform a
supply or service activity common to more than one military activity. (JP 1)
execute order. (1) An order issued by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
at the direction of the Secretary of Defense, to implement a decision by the
President to initiate military operations. (2) An order to initiate military
operations as directed. (Source JP 5-0)
execution sourced forces. Forces recommended and identified by joint force
providers, assisted by their Service components (who are responsible to
coordinate with their Services). The recommended sourcing solution is
reviewed through the Global Force Management allocation process and
becomes sourced when approved by the Secretary of Defense for the execution
of an approved operation or potential of imminent execution of an operation
plan or exercise. The Joint Staff provides specific guidance for the selection of
forces in the execution sourcing message, including unit reporting
requirements, which will be done according to current procedures. Execution
sourcing of forces may result in a prepare to deploy order, deployment order, or
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GL-6 Glossary
execute order. (1) Units tasked must meet minimum readiness and availability
criteria as directed by the tasking authority. (2) Execution sourced forces are
considered allocated forces and are unavailable for use in other plans or
operations unless reallocated by the Secretary of Defense. (GFMIG)
execution sourcing. The process of identifying forces recommended and
identified by joint force providers, assisted by their Service components, which
are responsible to coordinate with their Services, and allocated by the Secretary
of Defense to meet Combatant Commander force requirements.
force planning. (1) Planning associated with the creation and maintenance of
military capabilities by the Military Departments, Services, and U.S. Special
Operations Command. (2) In the context of joint planning, it is an element of
plan development where the supported Combatant Command, in coordination
with its supporting and subordinate commands, determines force requirements
to accomplish an assigned mission. (JP 5-0)
force sourcing. The identification of the actual units, their origins, ports of
embarkation, and movement characteristics to satisfy the time-phased force
requirements of a supported commander. (JP 5-0)
Global Force Management. A process to align directed readiness, assignment,
allocation, apportionment, and assessment methodologies in support of the
National Defense Strategy and joint force availability requirements; presents
comprehensive visibility of the global availability and operational readiness (to
include language, regional, and cultural proficiency of U.S. conventional
military forces); globally sources joint force requirements; and provides senior
decision makers a vehicle to quickly and accurately assess the impact and risk
of proposed allocation, assignment, and apportionment changes. (GFMIG)
Joint Force Coordinator. The Joint Force Coodinator is responsible for
consolidating and staffing all sourcing recommendations from Joint Force
Providers (JFPs) for the SecDef Orders Book approval process. In coordination
with Force Providers and JFPs, including civil affairs and military information
support operations forces, in support of conventional missions. (Also called
joint planning. Planning activities associated with military operations by
Combatant Commanders and their subordinate commanders. (JP 5-0)
joint planning and execution enterprise. A Department of Defense enterprise of
joint policies, processes, procedures, and reporting structures, supported by
communications and information technology that is used by the joint planning
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GL-7 Glossary
and execution community to monitor, plan, and execute mobilization,
deployment, employment, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization
activities associated with joint operations.
joint planning process. An orderly, analytical process that consists of a logical
set of steps to analyze a mission, select the best course of action, and produce
a joint operation plan or order. (JP 5-0)
joint planning and execution community. Those headquarters, commands,
and agencies involved in the training, preparation, mobilization, deployment,
employment, support, sustainment, redeployment, and demobilization of
military forces assigned or committed to a joint operation. Also called JPEC.
(JP 5-0)
Joint Strategic Planning System. One of the primary means by which the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, in consultation with the other members
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the Combatant Commanders, carries out the
statutory responsibilities to assist the President and Secretary of Defense in
providing strategic direction to the Armed Forces of the United States. Also
called JSPS. (JP 5-0)
levels of planning. (1) Level one planning detail – commander’s estimate; (2)
Level two planning detail – base plan; (3) Level three planning detail – concept
plan; (4) Level four planning detail – operation plan. (JP 5-0)
operation order. A directive issued by a commander to subordinate
commanders for the purpose of effecting the coordinated execution of an
operation. Also called OPORD. (JP 5-0)
operation plan. A complete and detailed plan containing a full description of
the concept of operations, all annexes applicable to the plan, and a time-
phased force and deployment list. Also called OPLAN. (JP 5-0)
planning directive. The planning directive identifies planning responsibilities
for developing joint force plans. It provides guidance and requirements to the
staff and subordinate commands concerning coordinated planning actions for
plan development. It is normally used during contingency planning.
planning order. A planning directive that provides essential planning guidance
and directs the development, adaptation, or refinement of a plan or order. Also
called PLANORD. (JP 5-0)
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GL-8 Glossary
preferred forces. Forces by the supported Combatant Commander in order to
continue employment, sustainment, and transportation planning and assess
risk. These forces are planning assumptions only, are not considered
“sourced” units, and do not indicate forces will be contingency or execution
sourced. (GFMIG) Specific units that are identified to provide assumptions
essential for continued planning and assessing the feasibility of a plan.
(JP 5-0)
resources. The forces, materiel, and other assets or capabilities apportioned or
allocated to the commander of a unified or specified command. (JP 1)
risk. The probability and consequence of an event causing harm to something
valued. Loss linked to hazards. (CJCSM 3105.01)
sourcing. Identification of actual forces or capabilities that are made available
to fulfill valid Combatant Commander requirements. (GFMIG)
support planning. Planning activities used to determine the time-phased force
and deployment data sequencing of personnel, logistics, and other support
necessary to provide mission support, distribution, maintenance, civil
engineering, medical support, personnel service support, and sustainment for
the joint force in accordance with the concept of operations. (JP 5-0)
supporting plan. An operation plan prepared by a supporting commander, a
subordinate commander, or an agency to satisfy the requests or requirements
of the supported commander's plan. (JP 5-0)
time-phased force and deployment data. The time-phased force, non-unit
cargo, and personnel data combined with movement data for the operation
plan, operation order, or ongoing rotation of forces. Also called TPFDD.
(JP 5-0)
unit readiness. The ability of a unit to provide capabilities required by the
CCDRs to execute their assigned missions. This is derived from the ability of
each unit to deliver the outputs for which it was designed. (GFMIG)