Apex Legends Global Series Year Two
Official Match Rules
Competitors are required to use the EA Account provided during the ALGS registration
process for all ALGS matches, unless provided another account by EA
The unique code(s) to join the appropriate online tournament match in the Game will be
posted on the Tournament Site. There will be unique codes for each match.
Competitors are recommended to add Tournaments@battlefy.com to their email
contacts to ensure successful delivery.
Competitors may not share match codes with anyone outside of their Team.
Competitors that elect to stream their matches that display the code on their
stream will be found to have shared the code.
Prior to the start of each match, the Team Captain is required to enter the Team name in
the custom in-Game lobby for each match. The Team name provided in the lobby must
match the Team name provided during registration on the Tournament Site.
Competitors are required to be present in the in-Game match lobby at the scheduled
start time for each match detailed in the tournament schedule in the Official Rules and
on battlefy.com/algs in order to participate in that match.
Matches may be started at the scheduled start time without all Competitors or Teams
Competitors or Teams that miss a match may join the next match in the Series.
A match is considered to be live or in progress as soon as the dropship appears
following the legend selection screen and until the Apex Champion screen appears
displaying the in-Game results of the match.
Matches will continue if Competitors disconnect or fail to load into the Game.
If a Competitor disconnects from a match, they may attempt to rejoin the match
using the in-Game reconnect feature.
Matches may contain less than twenty (20) Teams and/or sixty (60) Competitors.
If there are less Teams in a group than the number of advancing spots to the next round,
all Teams will advance.
Competitors may not stream their matches.
Competitors may not quit out of a match before it has ended and they have returned to
the In-Game lobby.
Competitors may not intentionally delay the start of a match.
Competitors may not use any Game-changing scripts or programs.
Competitors may not leave the normal boundaries of a map in a way that does not
activate an “out-of-bounds” timer or other exploit that results in the Competitor being able
to remain outside of the circle (in the orange) without taking damage.
Additionally, slip surface terrain is designed to be in/on non-playable areas and is
intended to be non-playable. Spamming or use of game mechanics to prevent
slipping on the slip surface is seen as an exploit.
Competitors may not exploit a Game mechanic to enter and exit the in-Game
“out-of-bounds” kill timer consecutively in the same area.
Examples of this include repeatedly using a zipline, grapple, portal, balloon, or
other character ability to repeatedly enter the same area that activates the
“out-of-bounds” timer.
Competitors may not intentionally exploit one-sided textures on map geometry to block
or avoid any incoming damage that would have otherwise connected without the
exploited geometry.
Competitors may not hide inside of map geometry.
Competitors may not intentionally hide behind invisible walls on the map.
Competitors are responsible for their equipment.
During a match series, any communication between Competitors on different Teams are
required to go through the Official ALGS Discord servers or in-Game match lobby.
While a match is in progress, the only permissible communication is communication
between the three (3) Competitors who are actively participating in the match on the
same Team.
Competitors may not utilize any third party applications or programs that may impact
gameplay or give them an advantage over other Competitors.
Competitors may use a keyboard and mouse, a PlayStation controller, or an Xbox
controller when competing in this event.
Competitors may not utilize macro functions on any input device.
Competitors may not utilize macros or scripts that result in actions, either in a
series or simultaneously, to be executed in the game.
Competitors may not utilize any physical devices (ex: Strike Packs) in addition to
their input device to gain a competitive advantage.
Competitors may only add or edit the following Game files and configuration:
Launch Options
Competitors may only add or edit the following in the configuration items specified
"setting.csm_enabled" "0"
custom reticles
Competitors must use the same input device for the entirety of a match series.
Competitors may switch input devices prior to the start of their next series.
Competitors who elect to change their input device must inform a Tournament
Official that they have done so, and what their new input device is.
The following items have been altered from default in-Game match settings:
Gold (Level 4) Knockdown Shields are removed.
Heat Shields are removed.
In-Game Map
World’s Edge and Storm Point will be played, and the map rotation for each
Series will be shared via the Player Handbook prior to the start of the Event.
All Matches will be played with aim assist override enabled.
Anonymous mode will be enabled for all matches.
Additional Match Rules for the ALGS Year 2 Championship
Group Stage:
After Match #1: 5-mins
After Match #2: 5-mins
After Match #3: 10-mins
After Match #4: 5-mins
After Match #5: 5-mins
Bracket Stage:
After Match #1: 5-mins
After Match #2: 5-mins
After Match #3: 10-mins
After Match #4: 5-mins
After Match #5: 5-mins
After Match #6: 10-mins
After Match #7: 5-mins
Match Point Finals:
After Match #1: 5-mins
After Match #2: 5-mins
After Match #3: 10-mins
After Match #4: 5-mins
After Match #5: 5-mins
After Match #6: (match point only): 10-mins
After Match #7: 5-mins
After Match #8: 5-mins
After Match #9: 10-mins
After Match #10: 5-mins
After Match #11: 5-mins
After Match #12 (match point only): 15-mins
Competitors may only leave the tournament stage during the 10- and 15-minute
breaks detailed above.
Voice Communications
All Competitors must be connected to the voice communication server for the
duration of all matches.
Seating Order
During media day, each team will be required to select their seating order, which
must remain the same throughout the duration of the tournament.
For the Match Point Finals, teams will be seeded by their final placement in the
Winner’s Bracket and Loser’s Bracket Round 2, with teams that advanced from
the Winner’s Bracket receiving the top 10 seeds. Teams will select their station
for the Finals in order by these seeds, with the highest seeded team selecting
their station first, followed by the second highest seeded team, and so on until all
teams have a station selected.
EA-Provided Equipment
The tournament operator will provide, and Competitors will exclusively use,
equipment in the following categories for all matches: (1) PC and monitor, (2)
hand warmers, (3) headsets and/or microphones and (4) tables and chairs. All
equipment provided by the tournament operator will be chosen, selected and
determined at the sole discretion of the tournament operator. Subject to the
foregoing, the unauthorized modification of provided equipment or the use of
hardware, software or other equipment that is not provided or approved by
tournament officials is prohibited. Competitors must return all EA-provided
equipment to the tournament operator when the tournament is over or upon
request by the tournament operator.
If equipment or technical problems are suspected, a Competitor or tournament
official may request a technical review of the situation. A technician designated
by a tournament official will diagnose and troubleshoot problems as needed.
Technicians may request that tournament officials order replacements. Decisions
regarding the replacement of any equipment are solely at the discretion of the
tournament operator. If a Competitor wishes to use personal replacement
equipment, the Competitor must use equipment which has been pre-approved by
tournament officials.
Competitor-owned or Team-owned equipment
All Competitor-owned or Team-owned equipment must be submitted to
tournament officials in advance for approval. Approved equipment will remain
on-site with tournament officials and will only be accessible before the Match or
at such time as approved by tournament officials. At their discretion, tournament
officials may disallow the use of any individual piece of equipment for reasons
relating to tournament security, safety or operational efficiency or effectiveness.
No Competitor-owned or Team-owned hardware or equipment may be brought
into the Match Area if it features or displays any name or logo of a company or
brand not approved in advance by EA. The “Match Area” is the area immediately
surrounding any competition PCs used during match play. During match play, the
presence of Team members in the Match Area is restricted solely to the
Competitors of the Teams in play.
Permitted Equipment
Competitors are only allowed to utilize the following equipment in the Match Area:
PC keyboard, PC mice, cord holders, controller, and mouse pads. For the
avoidance of doubt, Competitors may not bring, use, or wear any headsets,
earbuds, and/or microphones that are not provided or approved by EA.
Computer Programs and Usage
Competitors are prohibited from installing their own programs and must use only
the programs provided by the tournament operator. This includes the warm-up
area computers.
Non-Essential Equipment
It is prohibited to connect or bring into the Match Area any non-essential
equipment (e.g., mobile phones or flash drives, plushies, flags etc.) to
tournament equipment, for any reason.
Wireless Devices
Wireless devices, including mobile phones, tablets, and smart watches are not
allowed in the Match Area during a tournament series. Tournament officials will
collect such devices from Competitors and coaches in the Match Area and return
them after the end of each Series.
Equipment Tampering
Competitors may not touch or handle another Competitor's equipment after a
match series has started. Competitors who require assistance with their
equipment should seek assistance from a tournament official.
Competitors may not move Broadcast Equipment. Interfering with or interrupting
the broadcast or broadcast production is prohibited.
Competitor Accounts
Competitors will use provided accounts provided by the tournament organizer.
Tournament officials will log Competitors into these accounts. Competitors are
not allowed to log out of these accounts. Tournament officials will be available to
assist if there are any issues with these accounts. All in-game items will be
unlocked on these accounts, but Competitors may not use or publish (via
screenshots, or any other image sharing process) any of the prohibited items
listed below:
1: Global: Emote Wheel (not allowed to equip)
2: Bloodhound Skin "Stubin_(long debug name)"
3: Global: Respawn Dev Badge
4: Bangalore Banner Pose [epic 04][epic 05]
5: Bangalore Finisher [finisher_006]
6: Gibby Banner Pose [epic 04] [rare 04] [rare 05]
7: Caustic Banner Pose [epic 04] [epic p5] [rare 04] [rare 05]
8: Mirage Banner Pose [epic 04] [epic p5] [rare 04] [rare 05]
9: Octane Banner Pose [epic 04] [epic p5]
10: #Charm_485
11: #Charm_486
12: #Charm_487
13: #Charm_apex_asset_v22_msic_dev01
14: Bangalore Skin: Apex Commander
15: Any in-game items/skins/trackers/badges with the following icon
Audio Restrictions & Headgear
Headsets must be placed directly on a Competitor's head with the headset’s ear
pads securely covering the Competitors ears, and must remain there for the
duration of each match. Competitors are not permitted to obstruct the placement
of the headset’s ear pads by any method.
Hats, scarves, bandanas, or other articles of clothing are not permitted to be
worn on stage by Competitors, except in certain situations where religious or
medical exemption or accommodation have been issued by Tournament Officials.
The determination of whether a Competitor qualifies for the religious and/or
medical exemption or accommodation will be resolved by Tournament Officials in
their sole discretion.
Competitors will be required to maintain volume levels above minimum settings.
Tournament officials may require Competitors to adjust their volume levels higher
if they determine, at their sole discretion, that volume levels are too low.
Coaching Rules
Coaches for Teams participating in a given day's match series will be granted
Match Area access. Coaches must remain seated inside the box taped on the
ground which is the designated coaching area, Coaches must not leave this area
during a match. Coaches may not communicate with anyone (other than a
tournament official) during a live match.
No other Team staff will be permitted in the Match Area during this time without
the express permission of tournament officials. During official matches coaches
will be muted. Coaches that break these rules will have their Match Area access
revoked and/or be physically removed from the event.
Food and Drink Restrictions
No food is allowed in the Match Area. Drinks are permitted in the Match Area
only in ALGS-approved re-sealable containers (available upon request).
Tournament Officials
Tournament officials work on behalf of the tournament operator and are subject to
the direction, review and oversight of the ALGS. Tournament officials are
responsible for:
admitting or denying access to the Match Areas;
administering the Competitor checklist;
enforcing the rules, including directing Competitors to take or refrain from
taking any action; and
communicating with Competitors about any issues experienced, in-game
and out.
Tournament officials may move each Competitors peripherals from the station
used in their most recent match to the station in which they will be playing their
next match.
Setup Time
If a Team intends to use a Substitute player on their locked roster, they will
submit this change to [email protected] or to a Tournament Official, no less than ten
(10) minutes prior to the start of their next series.
Competitors will have designated blocks of time prior to their match time to
prepare. Tournament officials will inform Competitors and Teams of their
scheduled setup time and duration as part of their Match schedule. Tournament
officials may change the schedule at any time. Ten (10) minutes prior to the start
of each series, all Competitors must be seated in their team booths and remain
for the duration of the Match. Setup includes, but is not limited to, the following:
Ensuring the quality of all Competitor equipment;
Connecting and calibrating peripherals;
Ensuring proper function of voice chat systems;
Adjusting in-game settings; and
Equipment and play area sign-off with tournament officials.
Competitor Access
Competitors and Coaches may not enter or leave the stage during live matches.
If a Competitor or Coach leaves the stage during a live match, such Competitor
or Coach will not be allowed back on the stage until the next match in series.
Player Meeting
All Competitors are required to attend an in-person player meeting. A schedule
and further details will be provided in the Player Handbook that is distributed to
all Competitors.
Competitor Substitutions
Competitors are not allowed to substitute during the series, only between series.
Media Obligations
Each Team is required to identify to EA at least one (1) Competitor from the Team
who will be available for a live, post-game broadcast interview following each
match series.
Teams are required to indicate which Competitor will assume this
responsibility to tournament officials during media day.
All Competitors from top performing Teams may be required to be available for
an interview with EA’s broadcast team for at least thirty (30) minutes following the
end of the final match on each day of the Live Event.
All Competitors from the winning Team may be required to participate in a media
session for up to one (1) hour following the end of the competition.