Frequently Asked Questions
Do you want to know what date to expect invoicing or payment processing? View the
SSPS Calendar.
Customer Service: (available during regular business hours) 360-664-6161
Does a co-payment/participation amount pro-rate for a partial month?
No. The co-payment or participation that the service recipient (client) pays to his/her provider is a set
amount. If the dollar amount of the service is less than the co-payment, the client need only pay the
actual amount of service.
Guidelines for successful invoice processing
1. Fill out completely before calling, entering on the website, or mailing (do not forget to sign,
if mailing). Listen carefully if you call.
2. If using the SSPS Provider Portal, remember to press the submit button after completing
each page. The save button will only save your work, not submit for payment.
3. If calling, after entering all data, wait until the phone voice says "Press the star key now."
After you press the star (*) key, you will hear the phone voice say, "You have successfully
completed your page/invoice." This means your page/invoice has been successfully
submitted and will be sent for processing.
4. If you have trouble when calling, you can hang up at any time before pressing the star key
and the invoice will not process so that you can try again later.
5. Do not mail your invoice when using Invoice Express or the SSPS Provider Portal. Keep it for
your permanent records in case of audit.
Submit your SSPS invoice for payment or inquire about a submitted invoice
The Invoice Express toll free number is 1-888-461-8855, and is printed at the top of every SSPS
An operator is available during normal business hours if the caller has problems, however SSPS
staff cannot submit your invoice information for you.
Callers may choose either English or Spanish voice prompts.
Callers may choose to complete an entire invoice, or to complete selected pages of their
Callers may choose to check on the status of an invoice.
Callers may use the toll free line any time of day or night.
How does Invoice Express work?
Invoice Express is a way to submit an invoice using a touch-tone phone.
Several days of processing time are saved when you use Invoice Express vs US Mail.
For each line of your invoice, use your telephone number pad to report units of service
You must mail in your invoice, or use the SSPS Provider Portal, if you need to lower your
rate. Invoice Express does not allow rate changes by telephone.
The information you enter goes into the main computer in Olympia at 4:30 PM each business
You can enter your invoice by telephone at any time of the day or night, seven days per
Do not worry about having your invoice returned because of errors. You can correct errors
on the spot.
No problems with double entry: Once your claimed services have been put into SSPS either
by, portal, mail or telephone, Invoice Express will not allow entry of an invoice a second
How to use Invoice Express
For Invoice Express (IVR) instructions in English, Spanish or Somali, please click this link:
How often does SSPS invoice?
Invoicing occurs twice per month; one regularly scheduled invoice process and a second
supplemental process to catch late authorizations from local offices.
I am providing social services, so why am I not being paid?
If you are providing services that will be paid through SSPS, those services must be based on an
agreement with a social service staff person. Until an SSPS authorization is written and
submitted to the computer system by that staff person there is no mechanism by which to pay
you. Social service staff have a regular and supplemental deadline each month that they must
meet in order for you to receive the invoice needed for payment validation.
What does a state holiday mean to SSPS input and processing?
State holidays are not considered business days. There is no daily processing, no payments
created, and the SSPS headquarters office is closed.
When are invoices mailed?
Invoices enter the U.S. Postal Service within two business days after the invoice deadline
date. Delivery times by the U.S. Postal Service vary, depending on the provider's geographical
location and speed of mail delivery.
Where do I call to find out more about services paid through SSPS or ask questions I have
about details of what was authorized?
Contact staff at the local office that authorized the service in question. The local office controls
what is authorized and can make needed corrections.
Why are SSPS payments made after the service is completed?
According to the state constitution, payment cannot be made for services not yet completed.
Why isn't my payment any quicker?
1. According to the state constitution, the state cannot pay for a service until the service is
2. Invoice vouchers are mailed for the provider to receive just before the end of the month.
3. Paper invoices that are returned by mail must be manually entered by staff. Clerical
delays may occur if a large number of pages are received.
4. Quicker payment processing occurs when providers use the SSPS Provider Portal or
Invoice Express to validate their invoice.
5. Invoices are processed after the end of the month of service.
6. Some payments are delayed because messages are attached to or written on the invoice
before mailing. Invoices with messages are set aside and read as soon as possible,
delaying payment.
Payment to a provider is considered timely if made within 30 days of the receipt of a properly
completed invoice, plus mail time, according to RCW 39.76.010. SSPS makes it a top priority to
not only pay faster than required, but to pay as fast as is technically and legally possible.
Direct deposit takes out possible complications of postal delivery. Direct deposit may or may not
be quicker than postal delivery, depending on the provider's geographical location and the speed
of mail delivery.
When are W-2 and 1099 forms available?
They are mailed and posted to the SSPS Provider Portal by the end of January.