How to Get Paid:
Invoicing your Customers through CorrigoPro
Table of Contents
Slides 4 and 5 - CorrigoPro Invoice
Slides 6 and 7 - Invoice Statuses / Customer / Filter
Slides 8 thru 13 - Creating a Single Invoice / Required Data
Slide 14 thru 16 - Attaching Documents / Work Order Completion
Details/ Work Order Print Out
Slides 17 and 18 - Bulk Import Template
Slides 19 and 20 - Importing Invoices
Slide 21 - Submitting Imported Invoices
CorrigoPro Desktop Login
Type in your email address and password
to login to CorrigoPro
CorrigoPro Invoicing Tile
Only ADMIN USERS will be
able to see and access the
Invoicing Tile
Click on the Invoicing tile to
open the Invoicing App
within CorrigoPro Desktop
Invoicing App
Data Fields
Last date Updated
Invoice #
Invoice Date
Search function allows
you to search by WO#
or Invoice#
Click on “Status”
Invoicing App: Status / Customer
Status Drop Down View
Place a check to the right of the
invoice status you wish to view
Can view more than one status
at a time
Click “Clear selected” to view all
Customer Drop Down
View all customers or place a
check to the right of the specific
customer you wish to view
Click “Clear selected” to view all
Invoicing App: More Filters
More Filters
Gives you the option of viewing invoices by Invoice Date, Last Update and invoice Type
Click on “TYPEto view invoices for Reactive Work Orders or PM/RM Work Orders
Click “Clear selected” to view all invoices
Invoicing App: Creating / Viewing a
Single Invoice
Click on the WO# to view
the details of the work order
Click on “Create” to open the
desired invoice
Invoicing App: Time on Site
Once you click “Create”, you will see
your invoice template
Click on “TIME ON SITEto see
how much time was spent
providing this service
Check in and Check out times are
GPS location is ONLY recorded for
Check in / Check Out
The status is set to “Bad” if not
within set distance from location
It is set to Good” if within that set
Invoicing App: Required Data fields
Required Fields
Invoice date
Invoice Number
Category/Item | Description | QTY | Rate | Subtotal
Tax (If applicable)
Uploading Attachments is optional
Invoicing Data Field: Date / Invoice Number
Click on the “Calendar” icon
Click on the date you wish to use for
this invoice
The date will populate in the date
Forward and back arrows will allow to
customize the desired date used
Invoice #
By clicking on the “Use WO#” you can
use the WO# as the invoice #
Customize your invoice # by typing in
the desired number you wish to use
Please DO NOT copy and paste into
this field
Invoicing App: Required Data Fields / Itemize Invoice
Click under “CATEGORY / ITEM” to
open the text box
If a rate card is used, select services
from the items provided
If no rate card is being used, select
from Labor/ Materials Parts/
If rate card is used Category/ Item,
Description, and Rate will auto-
populate QTY should be added
Manually populate invoice if using
Labor/Material Parts/Mics/Shipping/
Tax has to be manually populated
Invoicing App: Required Data Fields /
Itemize Invoice
NTE is the maximum amount that an
invoice can be submitted for, in this
case the NTE is $500
NTE is tax inclusive
Add as many items as needed in the
Description field is free text up to 1140
Once you have a total, taxes can
be calculated and applied
The total will be auto populated
Invoicing App: Attaching Documents
To attach a document click on
The system will take you to your
computers document library
Click on the file you wish to attach or
you can drag and drop the file into
your invoice
Attach as many files as needed
Invoicing App: Work Order Completion Details
Work order completion
details can be added in the
invoice by clicking on “WORK
Click on “REPAIR
CODE” to add in the details
Type work order form drop
down box
Type completion details in
text box
Invoicing App: Work Order Print Out
Open an invoice
Click on orange drop down
box to print out invoice
Print out invoice as needed
Invoicing App: Bulk Invoice Import Template
To import multiple invoices at
one time you will need to use
the Invoice Template
The “Invoice Template” will
appear in the lower left
hand corner of your screen
Click to open the template
Invoicing App: Bulk Invoice Import Template
You need to fill in the required data
fields above
DO Not ADD any additional fields to the
Things to Remember
If rate card is being used, Category/Item
must match rate card
When itemizing, dates must match
Invoice has to be within NTE
Taxes must be applied
Click on the “Help” tab to view details
for filling out the template
Invoicing App: Importing Invoices
In the Invoicing App click on
will be displayed, shown below
A window will open to view your
Documents library
Click on or drag and drop your
saved import template
This will start the import process
Invoicing App: Bulk Invoice Import
Data errors are identified by
the system, shown in “red”
You can go ahead and import
those that are correct
Or you can cancel and fix
those that need correcting
Invoicing App: Submit Bulk Imported Invoices
Imported invoices can now be submitted for
payment, they will have a check next to
them, shown above
Click the “SUBMIT“ button
You are asked if you are sure you want to
submit the invoices, click “YES”
2 invoices have been submitted successfully
Contact Corrigo via phone or online: