Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Make-A-Wish Foundation
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Make-A-Wish Foundation International
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Affiliates shall adhere to the highest legal and ethical standards, protecting the name,
reputation, and intellectual property of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, ensuring sound
nonprofit management and governance, and maintaining positive relationships within the
Make-A-Wish Foundation network.
Affiliates shall adhere to the Code of Ethics and Good Conduct
(, and the Diversity & Inclusion statement of
International (
Wish Granting
Affiliates shall grant one wish of the highest quality for each eligible and referred child in their
territory to offer the wish child an impactful life-changing experience. The Wish Journey shall
be implemented throughout the Make-A-Wish community.
Safeguarding and Child Protection
All Make-A-Wish beneficiaries i.e. children and young people benefit from our services safely
and appropriately, and are treated with respect and understanding.
All reasonable steps are taken to safeguard and protect the rights, health and well-being of
children and young people who take part in activities organized by Make-A-Wish. All staff and
volunteers will be trained on Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and practices to
protect our beneficiaries, the wish children.
Staff & Volunteers
Affiliates shall implement sound human resource practices in order to ensure recruitment of
high quality volunteers and professional staff, proper management, training and recognition of
staff and volunteers.
Financial Management
Affiliates shall implement and maintain sound financial controls, accounting policies and
procedures, and asset management policies and procedures that promote good stewardship
and help ensure fiscal viability.
Such policies and procedures shall be reviewed by the Affiliate Board annually. Audits shall be
performed by reputable independent firms and reviewed by the Board annually.
Marketing and Communications
Affiliates shall protect the Make-A-Wish marks and follow the Global Brand Identity Standards.
Affiliates will internally and externally communicate according to the values of Make-A-Wish
Affiliates shall establish and implement fundraising activities that are ethical, constituent
sensitive and consistent with the mission in order to create growing capacities and resources.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Our Mission
Together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses.
Our Vision
To grant the wish of every eligible child.
Our Values
Child Focus: We always put wish children first.
Integrity: We are honest, transparent and respectful.
Impact: We deliver life-changing work.
Innovation: We are bold, imaginative and creative.
Community: We are a diverse group of people working together towards a common goal.
OM 1.1 APD Input. Affiliates shall complete the online Affiliate Performance Database as
required by the International Office. (See Guidelines)
OM 1.2 Updates. Affiliates shall ensure the accuracy of their affiliate information (e.g. address,
contact details, board and staff) in Affiliate Performance Database by timely
informing the International Office when changes occur.
2. Office Records
OM 2.1 Document Retention. Affiliates shall maintain all original wish files including parents
forms, medical eligibility forms, personnel files, volunteer files, financial files, donor
files, board minutes and any other compulsory documents as determined by the
International Office in the Affiliate’s office or other facility controlled by the Affiliate
in accordance with the requirements of their territory. (See Guidelines)
OM 2.2 Compliance with Applicable Laws. Affiliates shall ensure compliance with all of their
local, regional, and national laws. This includes ensuring compliance with national data
protection laws and regulations and the Framework Agreement on the sharing of
personal data throughout the Make-A-Wish network. Affiliates shall maintain the
confidentiality of donor, volunteer, personnel and wish family information, and shall
not disclose any such information to anyone outside Make-A-Wish Foundation
International without the prior written permission of the affected individual or entity,
unless otherwise required by applicable law.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
OM 2.3 Permanent Documents. Affiliate shall permanently maintain the following Affiliate-
related documents, files, and records in the Affiliate’s offices:
a. All Affiliate governing documents;
b. Affiliation and Licensing Agreement between Affiliate and Make-A-Wish
Foundation International;
c. All required tax returns;
d. All financial statements;
e. All current contracts and leases; and
f. All minutes of all meetings of the board of directors and committees.
g. All Audits
OM 2.4 Background Check. Affiliates shall have a policy and conduct background checks or
reference checks for each board of director member, staff, and volunteer of the
affiliate. (See Guidelines)
OM 2.5 Criminal History. Affiliates shall not employ or utilize as a volunteer any individual who
has been convicted of a crime that (a) victimizes children, (b) is sexual in nature, or (c)
involves violence, fraud, or significant theft.
OM 2.6 Suspected Fraud. Affiliates shall notify the International Office immediately upon
discovery of any instance(s) of fraud or suspected fraud, or other financial
improprieties, involving themselves or Make-A-Wish Foundation International or any
related entities.
3. Insurance
OM 3.1 General Liability Insurance. Affiliates shall have an appropriate level of general liability
insurance to protect the organization and when available, D&O (Director & Officer)
insurance. (See Guidelines)
4. Miscellaneous
OM 4.1 Chief Executive Vacancy / Search
If an Affiliate’s Executive Director/CEO leaves the Affiliate for any reason, the
Affiliate Board of directors shall notify the International Office immediately.
Each Affiliate should publicly advertise the opening or vacancy and/or use a head
hunter for the Executive Director/CEO vacancy/search to ensure the best possible
pool of candidates for consideration.
Make-A-Wish aims to recruit the best possible leadership, and as such, the
Executive Director/CEO should ideally be a fulltime position remunerated at
appropriate industry standards to attract candidates of the highest caliber.
Each Affiliate shall utilize a clear position description with clear KPIs and
performance criteria. The position description shall conform to local best practices
and legal employment requirements. The International Office can provide assistance
with position descriptions and appointment criteria.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
The International Office retains the ability and right to appoint a representative to
interview prospective candidates for the position of Executive Director/CEO and the
International Office has the right to approve the hiring of the Executive Director/CEO,
which right shall mean and include the right to veto the hiring of the Executive
Each Affiliate shall create a succession plan for the Executive Director/CEO position.
Each Affiliate shall require a probationary period for the Executive Director/CEO as
per local employment legislation. (See Guidelines)
The International Office has the right and ability to appoint one or more
representatives to conduct an exit interview of any affiliate Executive Director/CEO
who is leaving the position.”
OM 4.2 Fluency in English. Each Affiliate shall ensure that its CEO is able to communicate in
English (both written and spoken).
OM 4.3 Priority Level assistance to Affiliates.
All Affiliates will be supported by the International Office to achieve the mission. International
will advise Affiliates on ways to improve their performance. If the International Office
determines that an Affiliate needs more support, it has the right to become involved. If the
Affiliate does not cooperate with the International Office, the Affiliate will be placed on Priority
Level status by the Affiliate Development & Support Committee and/or the International Board
of Directors. If the International Office or the International Board determines in its sole
discretion that an Affiliate, or any of the Affiliate’s Board members, has made statements or
engaged in conduct or behavior that might subject Make-A-Wish, the Make-A-Wish brand or
the Make-A-Wish marks to disrepute, disgrace, shame or dishonor, or that is contrary to the
Mission, Vision and Values of Make-A-Wish, or that affects the morale or proper functioning
of the Affiliate, the International Board and/or the ADS Committee shall have the right to take
all appropriate steps to stop all such conduct and behavior and immediately place the Affiliate
in Priority Level status. The International Board and/or the Affiliate Development & Support
Committee have the authority to set the actions required of the Affiliate under Priority Level
Priority Level status includes attending Affiliate Board meetings, receiving Board minutes,
undertaking regular site visits, engaging in more frequent contact with the Affiliate CEO and
Chair, receiving information promptly and arranging for a third party consultant to provide
services if considered beneficial. (See Guidelines)
Other guidelines
The following guidelines are generally useful for Affiliate operations: (all policies)
a) Contact Number. Affiliates shall maintain a telephone number that is answered exclusively
in the name of Make-A-Wish or its approved translation. An answering machine or service
identifying the Affiliate shall be used outside of regular office hours.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
b) Emergency Contact System. Affiliates shall provide an emergency contact number for wish
volunteers and wish families, which is answered by a Make-A-Wish employee or volunteer
on a 24-hour a day basis.
c) Address. Affiliates shall post the physical street address of the location where the Affiliate
conducts business on all marketing and informational material including websites.
1. Audits
FM 1.1 Annual Audit. Affiliates shall have an independent annual audit of the Affiliate’s books
and records performed on an annual basis by a qualified accountant. The auditors’
signed report and audited financial statements shall be provided promptly to the
International Office, by uploading the document on the APD portal or by email to the
Finance department ([email protected]). (See Guidelines)
FM 1.2 Financial Record Keeping. Affiliates shall record all financial transactions on the accrual
method of accounting in accordance with International Accounting Principles applied
on a consistent basis.
FM 1.3 Board Conference with External Auditors. Each Affiliate shall ensure that its board of
directors, or a board designee, has the opportunity to confer with its external auditors,
within a reasonable time following completion of the Affiliate’s annual audit. The fact
that such a conference occurred shall be reflected in the minutes of the next board of
directors meeting.
2. Disbursements
FM 2.1 Signature Authority. Affiliates shall not permit any individual with signatory authority to
issue a payment to himself or herself or a family member, with the exception of a regular
payroll check.
3. Bank Accounts
FM 3.1 Authorization. Affiliates shall only have bank accounts and credit cards authorized by its
board of directors. (See Guidelines)
FM 3.2 Signatories. Affiliates shall only allow individuals approved by its board of directors to
have signatory authority on cash accounts, convertible instruments, credit cards, and
lines of credit.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
FM 3.3 Reconciliation. Affiliates shall ensure that bank statements are reconciled on a monthly
basis and reviewed by an individual other than the preparer on a monthly basis.
Evidence of this review (date and initials) shall be maintained with the reconciliation.
4. Investments
FM 4.1 Ownership. Affiliates shall ensure that all investment instruments held by the Affiliate
are held solely in the name of the Affiliate.
FM 4.2 Board of Directors Approval. Affiliates shall only invest in financial instruments approved
by the board of directors.
FM 4.3 Real Estate Acquisitions. When Affiliates have financial reserves, they should have a
policy that states how the reserves can be used. The policy should be based on
transparency and responsibility, acknowledging that the financial reserves consist of
money given by sponsors and donors meant to realize the mission of Make-A-Wish.
For these reasons, if an Affiliate is considering purchasing real estate property, it must
first discuss that decision with the International Office. Purchase of real estate is not
seen as best practice.
The risk profile of the savings and investments portfolio has to be low and conservative.
The annual report should contain information on the savings and investments portfolio.
5. Financial Oversight
FM 5.1 Loans. Affiliates shall not loan or grant funds to other Affiliates or organizations without
the prior written approval of the International Office. Affiliates shall not make loans or
advances of Affiliate funds for personal use, or otherwise allow the personal use of
Affiliate resources.
FM 6.2 Expense Review. Affiliates shall ensure that they have a process for the approval of
spending expenses and expense claims of Board members and the chief executive
staff person.
FM 6.3 Gifts. Affiliates shall prohibit employees, Board members, volunteers, and their
immediate families or cohabitants from accepting anything of more than nominal value
(e.g. $75 US) from vendors or others doing or seeking to do business with the Affiliate,
unless such item(s) is accepted on behalf of the Affiliate for Make-A-Wish purposes.
(Proposed action is to make these guidelines become policies)
a) Secure Storage. Affiliates shall ensure that cash kept in the Affiliate office is locked and
secure at all times.
b) Petty Cash. All disbursements from petty cash must be supported by appropriate
documentation (e.g., invoice, receipt, purchase order, etc.).
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
c) Receipt of Cash Donation. Affiliates shall ensure donations of currency are receipted
d) Counting Cash. Affiliates shall ensure cash collected at events is counted in the presence
of at least two individuals and recounted upon delivery to the office or bank.
e) Disbursement Limits. Affiliates shall define, in writing, the currency value limit for which
any individual with signatory authority may issue a disbursement. Any disbursement
above this currency limit shall require authorization from two designated individuals.
f) Review of Invoices. Affiliates shall have written procedures to ensure all invoices are
reviewed for accuracy and approved prior to payment.
g) Itemized Records. Affiliates shall maintain itemized revenue and expense records for all
affiliate-managed events.
GV 1.1 Size. Affiliates shall maintain a Board of directors with at least 7 voting members.
GV 1.2 Hiring of Executive Director/CEO. The Affiliate Board is responsible for hiring an
Executive Director/CEO to run the day to day operations of the Affiliate. The Executive
Director/CEO must be able to speak English. The Affiliate Board shall give the
International Office the opportunity to interview and approve the Executive
Director/CEO prior to their hiring. (See O.M 4.1)
GV 1.2 Compensation and Expenses. Affiliates shall not compensate members of the Board of
directors for their service to the Affiliate, except for reimbursement of reasonable and
necessary expenses incurred in connection with affiliate activity that are reviewed and
approved prior to payment.
GV 1.3 Terms.
Each Affiliate shall set term limits for its Board of directors giving consideration to local
laws. If a board member serves six consecutive years, (s)he shall take at least a one-year
leave of absence as a Board member. Each Affiliate shall inform the International Office
of its term limits as soon as such term limits have been approved by the Affiliate’s
It is recommended that the entire Board of directors not be elected at the same time,
but rather over a cycle or series of years, with a third of the Board up for election each
year, so as to ensure a staggered rotation and a consistency of governance.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Each Affiliate shall create a succession plan for its Board of directors.
Each Affiliate shall implement a plan to annually assess the performance and
accountability of its Board of directors. It is expected that each Affiliate Board will hold
the Affiliate leadership accountable for meeting its short term and long term goals. (See
The Affiliate Development and Support Committee has the right and ability to
appoint one or more representatives to conduct an exit interview of any member of
the Board of directors of an affiliate who is leaving the position.
GV 1.4 Maximum terms for Board members
It is recommended that, for good governance purposes, each Affiliate sets a maximum
term of service for Board members (e.g. a maximum term of 10 or 12 years), in order to
bring in fresh ideas, profiles and ensure the sustainability and excellence of the Affiliate
past its current directors. This is in line with many charity supervisory authority
practices. To this end:
Affiliates who have been in existence for over 10 years, must have a policy on a
maximum term of service for its Board members.
GV 1.5 Composition.
Each Affiliate shall maintain a skills-based Board of directors appropriate to the
Affiliate’s growth stage.
When recruiting Board directors, the Affiliate should ensure that principles of diversity
and inclusion are taken into account, so as to be representative of all constituents of
the community as far as possible.
Directors are expected to contribute their 3Ts (Time, Talent and Treasure) to the
In order to ensure that Board members have the above characteristics, the Affiliate shall
promptly inform the International Office when a new Board member is being recruited,
and allow enough time so that the President & CEO of the International Office can meet
with the candidate, if requested, before final appointment.
The Board of directors should appoint a Chair, Vice-chair, Secretary and Treasurer as
these are key officer positions.
The Board of directors shall appoint a qualified medical professional, attorney and
accountant to serve as external advisors to the Board of directors.
Members of the Board of directors shall not be immediate family to any of the Affiliate’s
staff (“immediate family” includes a spouse or significant other, parent, child, sibling,
parent-in-law, sister or brother-in-law, and daughter or son-in-law.)
An Affiliate Board member cannot be an Affiliate officer or staff member at the same
time, i.e. (s)he cannot occupy two positions in the Affiliate, even if there is no
remuneration involved. Exceptions must be approved by the Affiliate Development &
Support Committee.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
In such case, the Board member shall not take part in any decisions affecting his/her
staff position, in order to avoid conflict of interest issues.
An Affiliate Board and an Affiliate assembly or association shall not have two or more
immediate family members as voting members.
GV 1.6 Minutes. Affiliates shall ensure that the minutes of Board of director meetings are
approved by the Board of directors.
GV 1.7 Governing Documents. Affiliates shall obtain written approval of all Affiliate governing
documents (i.e. articles of association, articles of incorporation and bylaws, trust deeds,
etc.) from the International Office; in addition, Affiliates shall obtain written approval
from the International Office prior to adopting or filing any amendment(s) to such
GV 1.8 Annual General Meeting Attendance. Affiliates shall ensure that a representative for the
Affiliate is present at the International Annual General Meeting (in person, by electronic
means or telephone). Each Affiliate shall ensure that its representative is able to
understand and speak English.
GV 1.9 Affiliate Disputes. An Affiliate(s) shall not institute or maintain a legal action or
proceeding against another Affiliate in any court or before any governmental agency or
tribunal but may resolve all disputes with another Affiliate(s), regardless of the nature
of the dispute or the relief sought, by mediation/arbitration as determined by the
International Office.
GV 1.10 Strategic Plan. Affiliates shall develop, and thereafter annually assess and modify as
appropriate, a viable strategic plan. The strategic plan should state the Affiliate’s goals
and objectives in key areas (including, at a minimum, wish granting, volunteer
recruitment and volunteer management, financial projections, professional staffing,
fundraising, marketing and board development) as well as specific strategies and/or
action steps designed to achieve those goals and objectives. The Affiliate shall provide
its strategic plan to the International Office as soon as this has been approved by the
Affiliate Board.
GV 1.11 Annual Budget and Annual Activity Plan. Affiliates shall prepare, and present to the
Affiliate Board for approval before the start of the fiscal year, an annual budget and
annual activity plan that reflects thoughtful consideration of all income and expenses
that can reasonably be expected in the coming fiscal year. The Affiliate shall provide its
annual budget and annual activity plan to the International Office when this has been
approved by the Affiliate Board.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
1. Wish Eligibility and Wish Journey process
WG 1.1 Age. Affiliates shall grant a wish for each eligible child within the Affiliate’s designated
territory who at the time of application is at least three years of age and has not yet
reached his/her 18
birthday. Wishes must be granted prior to the child’s 21
birthday. (See Guidelines)
WG 1.2 Medical Eligibility. Affiliates shall rely on the child’s physician or the Affiliate’s medical
advisor for all determinations regarding the child’s medical eligibility and medical
needs relating to the wish.
WG 1.3 Prior Wishes. Affiliates shall not grant a wish to a child who the Affiliate has
determined to have previously received a wish from any wish-granting organization.
(See Guidelines)
WG 1.4 Travel Insurance. Affiliates shall ensure that wish families who are travelling outside
the Affiliate’s territory for wish travel are covered by adequate travel insurance. (See
If pre-existing medical conditions cannot be covered by an insurance policy, the
originating Affiliate is financially responsible. The assisting Affiliate will assume a
coordination role.
WG 1.5 Wish Travel Medical Approval. Affiliates shall ensure that wish children and any wish
participant with a pre-existing medical condition receive documentation not more
than thirty (30) days prior to wish travel from the treating physician stating that the
individual is medically fit to travel.
WG 1.6 Vehicle Rental Insurance. Affiliates shall ensure that at least the following insurance
coverage is provided or purchased when a vehicle rental is used on a wish.
Required coverage shall include:
individuals in the rental vehicle,
rental vehicle itself,
individuals involved in the accident outside the rental vehicle (if applicable),
other vehicles involved in an accident (if applicable)
WG 1.7 Wish Journey
Each Affiliate shall implement the Wish Journey process, in order to build up the resilience of
the wish children while they are coping with their medical condition. This includes the phases
of Wish Capture, Wish Design, Wish Anticipation, Wish Realization and Wish Effect.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
The Affiliate program staff shall participate in workshops, trainings and presentations that are
provided by the International Office on the Wish Journey (in particular the Wish Toolkit), in
order to share best practices and use the most recent resources and materials.
WG 1.8 Volunteer Management
Volunteers must be professionally supervised and supported by the Affiliates, through regular
communications, training and other means (internal portal, recognition programs, etc).
The Affiliate volunteer managers shall participate in workshops, trainings and presentations
that are provided by the International Office (in particular the Volunteer Management Toolkit),
in order to share best practices and use the most recent resources and materials.
There must be a minimum of two people in any activity planned by the Affiliate Wish Journey,
fundraising, events, etc. This is to ensure the safety of our volunteers and to prevent fraud or
other suspicions.
WG 1.9 Safeguarding policies, practices and training
Affiliates will ensure compliance with their own country’s legislation on Safeguarding and Child
Protection. All volunteers and staff who are in contact with our beneficiaries, the wish children,
will be trained in Safeguarding and Child Protection policies and practices.
2. Required Forms and Documentation
WG 2.1 Wish Forms. Affiliates shall not grant a wish prior to the completion of the following
forms, in the most current version provided by, or approved by, the International
Office: Wish Application, Medical Eligibility Form, Parents Form and Consent to
Privacy Policy document.
Affiliates in early founding status must also complete the Wish Authorization Form
(see Guidelines).
WG 2.2 Medical Eligibility Form. Affiliates shall require a completed Medical Eligibility Form, as
approved by the International Office, to determine medical eligibility. The Medical
Eligibility Form may be signed by hospital professionals involved with the child’s
treatment or the Affiliate Medical Advisor.
WG 2.3 Medical List Modification. Affiliates shall not amend the eligibility criteria on the
Medical List.
WG 2.4 Medically Ineligible Children. Affiliates shall maintain documentation for every referred
child who has been deemed medically ineligible by his or her physician.
3. Appropriate/Inappropriate Wish Requirements
WG 3.1 Firearms and Weapons. Affiliates shall not permit the gift or use of firearms in the wish
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
WG 3.2 Gifts of Money. Affiliates shall not grant wishes that consist of direct gifts of money
other than where money is incidental to the wish, such as spending money.
WG 3.3 Wishes for Medical Treatment. Affiliates shall not grant wishes directly related to any
medical treatment or services. (See Guidelines)
WG 3.4 Wish Gift Return. Affiliates shall not request that a wish gift item be returned. (See
WG 3.5 New Wish Gift. Affiliates shall ensure that wish gift items are new. (See Guidelines)
4. Wish Participants
WG 4.1 Wish Applications. Affiliates shall only accept wish applications from potential wish
children, their parents/guardians or medical professionals involved with their
WG 4.2 Family Members. Affiliates shall include parent(s) and/or guardian(s) of the wish child
and any siblings of the wish child in the wish unless the wish child requests otherwise,
or a court order requires, or the local Board of Directors determines, otherwise.
WG 4.3 Equality. Affiliates shall ensure all wish families are treated equally. No discrimination
and/or limitation of a wish are allowed, based on the wish family’s disposition and/or
financial situation. Requesting or accepting that the family or persons related to the
family provide financial or other contribution related to wish fulfillment is strictly
5. Wish Assists
WG 5.1 Notification. Affiliates shall immediately submit via the Wish Portal upon learning a
wish child’s wish will include travel outside the Affiliate territory, regardless of
whether wish assistance is needed or not.
WG 5.2 Wish Assist. Affiliates shall accept wish assists submitted via the Wish Portal,
according to the level of service requested (see International Wish Assist Fees
document). (See Guidelines)
As an exception, Affiliates that have under three years’ existence are not required to
accept wish assists, as they first need to build up their own operations.
WG 5.3 Accounting. Affiliates shall, when providing a wish assist to another Affiliate or US
chapter, provide an accounting of all costs (cash and in-kind) to the originating
Affiliate or chapter via the Wish Portal within one month of the completion of the
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
WG 5.4 Celebrity Wishes. Affiliates shall coordinate all celebrity personal appearance requests
outside their territory, including requests for heads of state, sports figures, and
sporting events via the Wish Portal Celebrity tab. The Wish Assist department of
the International Office shall be closely involved with all international celebrity
WG 5.5 Celebrity Non-Wish Request & Publicity Requests. Affiliates shall coordinate all
publicity-related requests involving celebrities through the International Office. (See
WG 5.6 Wish Assist Fee and Minimum Standards. Affiliates may charge a wish assist fee in
accordance with the service rendered as per the International Wish Assist Fees
document updated from time to time. Affiliates shall comply with the minimum
standards for wish assists (found in the International Wish Assist Fees document)
regardless of whether a wish assist fee is charged. (Refer to Guideline under WG 5.2
1. Communications
MC 1.1 Mission Statement. Affiliates shall only use a mission statement approved by the
International Office.
MC 1.2 Values. Affiliates shall communicate the values of Make-A-Wish International, being
Integrity, Child Focus, Excellence, Community and Inspiration.
MC 1.3 Accurate Information; Publicly available documents. Affiliates shall maintain current and
accurate marketing materials and information in communications and on websites.
The Affiliate’s most recent Annual Report, Audited Financial Statements, Privacy
policies and list of Board members and CEO shall be posted on the Affiliate’s website.
2. Cause-Related Marketing
MC 2.1 Online Cause-Related Marketing. Affiliates shall not engage in cause-related marketing
campaigns, where the purchase of product is transacted via the Internet, without the
prior written permission of the International Office.
MC 2.2 Cause-Related Marketing Initiative. Affiliates shall not enter into any cause-related
marketing initiatives involving the sale of any of the following items:
1) Tobacco products
2) Alcoholic beverages
3) Firearms or other weapons designed to cause harm; or
4) Pornographic or sexually-oriented entertainment, goods or services
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
3. Use of Marks
MC 3.1 Licensing Agreement. Affiliates shall not engage in any activity where outside parties
will use any of the Make-A-Wish trade names, trademarks, or service marks without
having such party sign a licensing agreement. (See Guidelines)
MC 3.2 Proper Brand Usage. Affiliates shall use, or permit the use of, the Make-A-Wish trade
names, trademarks, and service marks in the formats and translations approved by the
International Office. Affiliates shall follow brand guidelines as prescribed in the
organization’s Global Brand Identity Standards (including, but not limited to, logo
specifications, marketing materials, online/website, translations, products, etc.). (See
MC 3.3 Writing Style. Affiliates shall adhere to guidelines in the International Writing Style
Guide. (See Guidelines)
MC 3.4 Identification with International. Affiliates shall identify themselves as Affiliates of
Make-A-Wish Foundation International on websites at a minimum.
MC 3.5 Unauthorized Use by Others. Affiliates shall inform the International Office immediately
if they become aware of any infringement or unauthorized use of the Marks. (See
Affiliation and Licensing Agreement)
MC 3.6 Products. Affiliates shall not produce or imprint any products containing the Marks
without the prior written approval of the International Office.
4. Online Activity
MC 4.1 Privacy Policy. Affiliates shall adhere to privacy policies in accordance with the law of
their territory regarding the privacy and protection of information collected on the
internet and transmitted via internet. (See Guidelines)
MC 4.2 Online Donation Disclaimer. Affiliates shall post online donation language as required
by Make-A-Wish Foundation International. (See Guidelines)
MC 4.3 Website Links. Affiliates shall post a link on their websites to Make-A-Wish
Foundation International website: (See Guidelines)
MC 4.4 Fundraising by online auctions. Affiliates shall follow the guidelines in this document
when organizing online auctions for fundraising purposes. (See Guidelines)
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
FR 1.1 Out-Of-Territory Solicitation. Affiliates shall not target individuals, corporations,
foundations, or organizations outside of their own territory for media, public relations,
or fundraising activities.
FR 1.2 Out-of-Territory Activity. Affiliates shall not participate in any media, public relations,
or fundraising activity with an individual or entity when such activity extends outside
the Affiliate territory without the prior written permission of the International Office.
FR 1.3 International Donors. Affiliates shall not enter into discussions with potential donors,
supporters, or corporations whose intention or desire is to engage in activities outside
the Affiliate territory without including the International Office in such discussions
with the potential donors, supporters, or corporations.
FR 1.4 Multi-National Corporations. Affiliates have many corporate sponsors in their national
territory, who also have a potential international outreach. In this case these
companies are potentially interesting for the international community. Affiliates shall
therefore provide information to the International Office of their corporate programs
with multi-national corporations. (See Guidelines)
FR 1.5 Exclusivity. An Affiliate is not permitted to sign an exclusivity contract unless the value
of the sponsorship is more than 10% of the Affiliate’s annual budget and it has notified
the International Office of its intent before signing an agreement.
Rationale: Promising exclusivity to corporate sponsors by an Affiliate can jeopardize
potential cross border sponsorships, which could be profitable for the whole Affiliate
community. The best practice for Affiliates is therefore not to offer exclusive use of
the Make-A-Wish brand in their territory to a company.
FR 1.6 International Corporate Sponsorships. Affiliates shall not require minimum financial
commitments in any international corporate programs that are managed by the
International Office. The International Office determines in its discretion the manner
of distribution of funds received under its international corporate programs.
FR 1.7 Telemarketing. Affiliates shall not engage in, hire, or contract for telemarketing cold-
call telephone solicitations for cash donations, or door-to-door solicitation.
The fundraising activities of the Affiliate are directed at acquiring voluntary contributions and
are not allowed to be intimidating. However, the methods used for fundraising must be in line
with what is considered appropriate in the Affiliate territory. (See Guidelines)
(Proposed action is that this guideline is part of the policy)
FR 1.7 Telemarketing.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Exceptions to this policy must be discussed with the International Office before a request for
exception is presented to the ADS Committee as per the International Bylaws.
FR 1.8 Donor List. Affiliates shall not give, lease, sell, or exchange their donor or contributor
lists to any individual or entity unless it is used for the Affiliate’s fundraising activities.
In this case the contract must stipulate that the donor list remains at all times the
property of the Affiliate and the third party is not allowed to telemarket.
Information from the donor files is not to be made available to third parties without
permission from the donors Affiliates must ensure that they are in conformity with
data protection rules prevailing in their country at all times, and provide a legal opinion
when requested by the International Office. (See Guidelines)
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Affiliates are strongly recommended to follow these Guidelines
in order to comply with Make-A-Wish International, meet best
practices and to mitigate risks
1. Reporting
OM 1.1 APD Input. The Affiliate Performance Database consists of general information and
statistics. The International Office will notify Affiliates of the specific due dates for
completion of the reporting sections each year.
2. Office Records
OM 2.1 Document Retention
If the Affiliate prefers to maintain its documents in electronic files and shred the originals, this
is acceptable; however, local laws must be verified imposing the conservation of original
records for a certain period of time or the destruction of certain types of information e.g.
medical information concerning the wish child, etc.
OM 2.4 Background and Reference Checks
A background check is a document provided by a legal authority, e.g. the Ministry of Justice or
Police. Affiliates should always try to obtain background checks in the first instance. If this is
not available in the country, a legal opinion should be provided to the International Office. If
reference checks are made, these must be made on at least three referral persons (non-family).
In addition, credit checks should be conducted on the Affiliate’s bank signatories, unless
prohibited under local laws.
3. Insurance
OM 3.1 General Liability Insurance
General liability insurance is an insurance policy that protects the Affiliate from the risk that it
may be sued and held legally liable for something that occurred in the performance of its
activities such as injury or damage.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Director and Officer insurance is an insurance policy that protects the Affiliate’s Officers and
Board from the risk that they may be individually sued and held legally liable for something that
occurred in the performance of their activities.
OM 4.1 Chief Executive Vacancy/Search
The Affiliates should make clear to the preferred candidates that they are joining an
international organization which requires their active participation, and they will be
expected to participate in an international induction process in addition to the local
Affiliates induction process.
It is not considered best practice that an Affiliate board member becomes the
CEO, or that the CEO be related in any way to any member of the Board of
directors or existing staff members. If the Affiliate believes exceptional
circumstances exist to justify such an appointment, such appointment shall be
considered in consultation with the Affiliate Development & Support Committee.
The International Office can provide assistance where needed with helping to design
and implement the search, interview and recruitment processes should Affiliates
need such support. If requested, a behavioral assessment is also available.
All shortlisted candidates must be interviewed by the President & CEO of the
International Office.
OM 4.3 Priority Level assistance to Affiliates
Priority Level status is distinct from Affiliate Restructuring Status (as defined in the Affiliation
and Licensing Agreement). As part of the support process, the International Office provides a
metric assessment for Affiliates with information on certain key areas benchmarked in
comparison with other Affiliates and international best practice. Factors that may trigger
Priority Level assistance from the International Office include significant income loss, poor
liquidity, low wish growth, governance issues (e.g. no succession or strategic planning, conflicts
within the board), staff issues or turnover, volunteer issues etc.
FM 1.1. Annual Audit
Affiliates are strongly encouraged to have the same fiscal year end as the International Office.
This is in order to have consistency in reporting.
FM 3.1 Authorization
The intention behind this policy is that the Affiliate Board is aware of the bank accounts and
credit cards used by the Affiliate, for governance purposes. It is not intended that the Affiliate
Board members are the only persons who have signing powers on the Affiliate’s bank accounts.
Other guidelines ( Should be all policies except e, g, )
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
a) Signatories. Affiliates shall require at least two individuals to have signing authority on
all cash accounts and convertible instruments held by the affiliate. The intention is to
avoid having only one person who can make payments on behalf of the Affiliate, so
that there are no delays or difficulties in payments eg when the person has holidays,
illnesses, or absences.
b) Currency. Affiliates shall pay invoices from other Make-A-Wish entities in the currency
specified on the invoice.
GV 1.3 Terms
If a Board member is appointed chair in the sixth year of his/her term, he/she is permitted
to stay one year longer.
It is acknowledged that the founders of an Affiliate occupy a special place of honor in the
Affiliate, and that founders often take very active roles in helping an Affiliate develop and grow
to maturity. When an Affiliate reaches operational maturity, the founders are strongly
encouraged to move to the alumni level. If they remain on the Board of the Affiliate, they should
do so without voting power, in order to encourage good governance practices.
1. Wish Eligibility and Wish Journey
WG 1.1. Age. The Affiliate Board can exceptionally approve the granting of a wish to a child
after his/her 21
Affiliates should not limit the number of wish applications accepted within its
territory, before discussing this with the ADS team at the International Office.
WG 1.3 Prior Wishes. Affiliates should attempt to contact other wish-granting organizations
which have the same criteria and attempt to solicit a mutual agreement that a wish
will not be granted if one has been granted by a similar wish-granting organization.
The following types of “wishes” granted by other organizations will not be considered
as qualified wishes:
• Group wish
• Unsolicited invitation
• Attendance at a camp
• Unsolicited “to have” gift
• Minor/small gifts given (in comparison to the Affiliate’s practices)
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
• Medical equipment given
• Hunting or firearm wishes
• Imposed gifts i.e. where the child is not given a chance to choose his/her wish
If these “wishes” were granted to a child who qualifies medically, the child is eligible
for a wish by an Affiliate. Should be policy
WG 1.4 Travel Insurance. Affiliates should ensure that each member of the wish family
travelling outside of their territory for a wish shall have adequate medical insurance
coverage recognized and accepted in the country of destination. Should be policy
2. Required Forms and Documentation
WG 2.1 Wish Forms Should be policy
International policy is to have both parents sign the forms. If this is not possible due to special
circumstances, and if according to local law one parent has legal authority to sign for the child,
this is acceptable subject to the following:
a) Submit the written opinion of a lawyer to the International Office that a sole parent
has legal authority to sign under local law.
b) Note in the wish file the special circumstance for not having both parents sign the
Even if publicity has been authorized, it is good practice to contact the family as a courtesy for
permission each time when images or stories of the wish participants are used, because the
child may have passed away, or circumstances have changed, and the family no longer wants
their image/story publicized.
Other than Affiliates which are in early founding status, the Wish Authorization Form is no
longer compulsory. We recommend that the form is used for wishes that could potentially be
a risk to the child, e.g. either due to the type of wish, or due to the child’s medical condition.
3. Appropriate/Inappropriate Wish Requirements Should be policy
WG 3.3 Wishes for Medical Treatment. Examples of non-medical treatments are wheelchairs,
wigs, dog guides, and prosthetics. When questions arise, refer to the Affiliate medical
advisory member, to make the final determination. The International Medical
Advisory Committee is also available to provide advice on specific wishes please
contact the International Office with your requests.
WG 3.4 Wish Gift Return. If the wish is for an animal, Affiliates should be confident that the
family will care for the pet and follow up with the family for at least a year to ensure
the pet’s health and welfare. The Affiliate should provide a return option for the pet
if the family cannot or will not care for the pet and assume the responsibility of
placing the pet in a caring environment upon return.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
WG 3.5 New Wish Gift. There may be exceptions to this e.g. where the child’s wish is for a
guitar or football played or held by a celebrity, or a musical instrument that
appreciates in time, etc.
5. Wish Assists
WG 5.2 Wish Assist.
The International Wish Assist Fees document is in the Wish Toolkit available here:
WG 5.5 Celebrity Non-Wish Request and Publicity Request.
Names, images, photos, likenesses, and voices are the intellectual property of the celebrity or
public figure in many countries.
o No use is permitted without the owner’s prior consent in many countries.
o For celebrities managed by Make-A-Wish International or any Affiliate, provide
at least one month’s notice for approval. This request shall be sent to the
International Office.
o For celebrities managed by Make-A-Wish America, Affiliates shall provide at least
one month’s notice for approval. This request shall be sent to the International
o Requests for pre-wish or post-wish publicity shall be sent to the International
Office. Post-wish publicity submissions shall include any photos, stories, or press
releases to be used.
o To conduct unauthorized publicity will jeopardize the wish experience for the
child, as well as the relationship for the entire organization.
3. Use of Marks
MC 3.1 Licensing Agreement. Standard form licensing agreements are in the Corporate
Alliances Toolkit available at:
MC 3.2 Proper Brand Usage. The Global Brand Identity Standards are in the Marketing Brand
Guide available at:
MC 3.3 Writing Style. The International Writing Style Guide are in the Marketing Brand Guide
and can be provided by the International Office.
MC 3.4 Identification with International.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
Australia, an Affiliate of Make-A-Wish
Pide un Deseo
Panama, un afiliado de Make-A-Wish
4. Online Activity
MC 4.1 Privacy Policy. A privacy policy statement outlining the Affiliate’s privacy policy must
be posted on any and all pages where visitor information is collected to website
visitors (includes email subscribers). Affiliates are responsible for ensuring
compliance with their national data protection laws and regulations.
MC 4.2 Online Donation Disclaimer.
a. A disclaimer shall be posted on any and all pages where donation information
is posted. A link on the donation page is not acceptable.
b. The following disclaimer shall be posted in the Affiliate native language and in
English: “Funds donated to Make-A-Wish (Affiliate name) solely benefit our
cause and the children we serve in (Affiliate country).
MC 4.3 Website Links. Links shall be posted in the following manner:
- A link from the Affiliate website to Make-A-Wish Foundation International
home page.
MC 4.4 Online Auctions.
A. Affiliate and third party approved online auctions must ensure that all copy and
logos are Affiliate-specific (no generic use of the Make-A-Wish logo), clearly
identifying that the purchase of such auction item(s) benefits exclusively the
respective Affiliate(s).
B. For the occasional sale of an item (such as a concert ticket donated at the last
minute) Affiliates do not need prior approval from the International Office in order
to use online auction services as long as the Make-A-Wish (generic or affiliate
specific) name or logo is not used.
C. Affiliates may not register for or use eBay’s “Mission Fish” or any similar online
charity auction service.
For instance, Korea would be allowed to use but not the American version of eBay.
D. All items being sold at an internet auction must be tangible goods or services and
free of restrictions.
E. Affiliates shall not use email to conduct an online auction or to solicit bids for an
auction item.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
FR 1.4 Multi-National Corporations.
Affiliates are reminded to regularly update the Affiliate Corporate List with their international
corporate sponsors.
FR 1.8 Donor List.
Affiliates should pay particular attention to the commission or fee taken by the third party.
Affiliates should approve the approach and script/language used by the third-party fundraiser.
They should note that hiring a third-party fundraiser often raises their fundraising efficiency
Telemarketing (cold call solicitation) is not allowed per policy FR 1.7.
Affiliate: An Affiliate is a Legal entity that has signed the Licensing Agreement with
Make-A-Wish International and agrees with the Affiliate policies.
Wish Journey: it's a carefully planned journey for each wish kid, designed to
complement a child's medical treatment with 5 steps, Wish Application, Wish Design,
Wish Anticipation, Wish Realization and Wish Effect.
Licensing Agreement: a formal agreement giving an organization permission to use of
Make-A-Wish Trademarks
APD: Affiliate Performance Data, Affiliates should send their Staff, Finance and Wishes
Data Quarterly to Make-A-Wish International
ADS: Affiliate Development and Support
Policy: a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or
Guidelines: Information that suggests how something should be done or is
recommended to follow
International Office: International Office refers to Make-A-Wish International’s CEO
or anyone delegated by them.
Affiliate Policies
Updated January 2023
International Board: International Board of Directors of Make-A-Wish International
ADS Committee: Affiliate Development and Support Committee,
CEO/Executive Director: senior operating officer or manager of the Affiliate
Priority level Status: Priority Level status includes attending Affiliate Board meetings,
receiving Board minutes, undertaking regular site visits, engaging in more frequent
contact with the Affiliate CEO and Chair, receiving information promptly and arranging
for a third party consultant to provide services if considered beneficial
Yellow Card: A yellow card indicate that An Affiliate has broken or is not following
the Affiliate Policies and is being officially warned.
Brandbook: : Brand guidelines that all all Affiliates are required to follow when using
the Make-A-Wish Brand
Provisional Affiliate: A privisional Affiliate is a Legal entity that has signed the Licensing
Agreement with Make-A-Wish International and agrees with the Affiliate framework
but may not be able to show that all the prerequisite policies and structure is in place
at the time of signing. But they have a full and detailed plan how to achieve full status
and are held to account each year on how they are achieving it. The provisional status
should not last more than XX years.
Strategic Plan: This plan shall state the Affiliate’s goals And objectives in key areas
(including as a minimum wish granting, volunteer/staff management, financial
projections, fundraising, marketing and Board development)
One Year Plan: This is a plan of action setting the goals for the year (SMART) as well as
who will be held responsible for the action of these.