NCAA Division II Wishkit
Pre-approved FUNdraising Ideas List
Wish kid
Fundraisers Guaranteed to Score Big
Thank you for helping to make wishes come true for children with crical illnesses when they need it
most. In this toolkit, you will nd pre-approved FUNdraising ideas, both in-person and virtual, to assist
you and your school with brainstorming events and acvies to benet Make-A-Wish
You can mix and match to create a fundraiser all your own, just as long as you check with your campus
athlecs compliance oce for nal approval and compliance with NCAA rules and regulaons.
Table of Contents
FUNDRAISING IDEAS ...................................................3
Make it Virtual For the Love of the Game and Wish Kids Show Your Support
It’s All Fun and Games Engage the Community Other FUNdraising Ideas
IMPORTANT REMINDER ................................................16
Wish kid
easy medium hard
Make it Virtual
Below is a list of turnkey virtual fundraising ideas that you can use to reach your fundraising goal.
Friendly Compeon
Everyone loves a challenge, so why not engage in a bit of friendly compeon for a good cause?
See which members of your team can raise the most funds online using your page or
challenge dierent groups/clubs to plan their own fundraisers. Oer fun incenves for the best ideas,
top fundraisers, etc. Another compeve idea is to have supporters vote for something — like who will
get a pie in the face or do wacky stunts — by making donaons.
Design Contest
Work with your teammates to design shirts for the campaign, then have people donate to vote for
their favorite design.
Oer up a challenge with your favorite step-counng device and get others to donate to try to beat
your steps.
Host a Roast
You don’t need a professional television network to host your own roast! Suggest $5 for online
aendance and host through a livestream.
Polar Bear Plunge Challenge
Have people donate to your link as they share geng cold water dumped on them or jumping in a
nearby cold body of water!
Jellybean Loery
Fill up a jar with jellybeans (or anything else – paperclips, marbles, etc.) and suggest a donaon for
people to guess how many are in the jar! Whoever has the closest guess gets a small prize.
Make it Virtual (CONT.)
Picture This
Plan a photo contest and invite everyone to get in on the acon! The theme is up to you and your
team … think baby photos, pet photos, childhood sports photos, embarrassing photos, etc.
Supporters can “vote” for their favorite photos by making donaons and you can even turn this idea into
a bracket tournament with top photos advancing through each round.
Embarrassing Photo
Set a mini-goal and post an embarrassing photo when you reach the set amount.
Dress Like A Superhero
Share a photo of yourself dressed like your favorite superhero and share your link.
Pet Costume Contest
Post a picture of your pet in costume – don’t forget to include your donaon link!
Baby Photo Contest
Share a photo of yourself as a kid and what your wish would be (the ve wish categories are “I wish
to go,” “I wish to meet,” “I wish to have,” “I wish to be” and “I wish to give”) with your donaon link.
Sell It
Sales fundraisers are a “win-win” for everyone! You can create your own or choose from some of these
ideas: garage sales, cookbooks, tutoring/babysing services, holiday gi baskets, wristbands, T-shirts,
etc. Supporters can pay by making donaons online and you can oer contactless pickup if needed!
Sell Custom Bracelets
Either make your own bracelets with beads and/or string or order rubber ones online to send to
Sell T-Shirts
Create a personalized T-shirt with Custom Ink and sell them to your donors.
Make it Virtual (CONT.)
Pro Tips
Restaurant nights are a great way to easily enhance fundraising. Check to see which of your local
restaurants oer a percentage back to schools/groups and consider scheduling some dine-out/take-out
nights that you can promote within your community.
1. Up the ante by adding fun incenves to help movate everyone on the way to your fundraising goal.
Need ideas? Your Make-A-Wish sta partner can help!
2. Selling T-shirts? If possible, try to get supplies and print services donated (or at a discount).
Take orders/collect funds in advance to help cover costs. Another opon would be to use a service like, a “one-stop shop” for T-shirt sale fundraisers.
3. Invite other groups/clubs to help make wishes come true! They can help promote your Wish Your Way
page, parcipate in Virtual Wish Week and/or host fundraisers of their own.
Fun Night
Hold a drive-in movie night, cra night, online trivia or family game night, or another type of
“fun night.” Raise funds by charging an admission fee, selling concessions and encouraging general
donaons. To raise even more funds, consider incorporang raes or an aucon. Rae/aucon items
can include things like school swag, art, music, yoga lessons, gi cards, etc. Let the fun begin!
Virtual Paint Party
Host your own virtual painng class and invite others to join online with a suggested donaon amount.
Virtual Poker Party
Play dealer and host your own virtual casino night; donaons cover the ante.
Scavenger Hunt
Post a scavenger hunt and ask people to share the weirdest thing they forgot they own.
Find an online bingo board and have people donate to play along.
Rae o high-value items or services (raking leaves, cooking a meal, etc.) and pull ckets for the winners!
Host a ‘thon of your choice! This could be a danceathon, walkathon, bikeathon, or any other type of
‘thon you can think of! Parcipants can fulll the requirements at home or around their neighborhood.
All parcipants encourage their friends and family to make general donaons online and/or pledges
for each minute they dance, lap they walk or run, mile they bike, etc.
Make it Virtual (CONT.)
Get Sporty
It’s me to take it to the virtual court! Coordinate a gaming, eSports or workout tournament or event.
Raise funds via registraon fees, donaons, special contests, etc. The game/format is up to you and
there are lots of possibilies: all-day tournaments, student vs. faculty, or face o with a rival group.
Put on a Show
Lights, camera, acon! Livestream a talent show, fashion show, comedy show, art show, concert —
anything goes. Raise funds through donaons that count as votes, general donaons, special contests, etc.
Mission Maven
Host a virtual fundraiser with the Make-A-Wish mission top of mind!
See A Star Challenge
See a star, send a star; post a photo of a star on your story along with your link and tag ve friends
to repost and donate.
Chain of Stars
Cut out paper stars and chain them together each me you receive a donaon to show the impact.
Make it Personal
Fundraise, with your own personal twist! This can be appealing to your friends and family.
Retweets or Likes for Donaons
Donate $1 for every like or retweet that a post with your link receives.
Envelope Fundraiser
Include a pre-stamped envelope with another snail mail fundraiser and ask people to send it back
with a check making their donaon.
Birthday Donaons
Ask people to donate to your link rather than get you a birthday gi.
Piggy Bank Collecon
Empty your own piggy bank and have friends and family do the same and drop o coins at your door.
Give It Up
Pledge to give something up (like a favorite food) unl you reach your fundraising goal.
Give Me a Call!
Spend one weekend calling everyone you can think of to ask for donaons.
For the Love of the Game and Wish Kids
Game Seats Halime Drawing
1. Reserve two or more front row seats.
2. Sell ckets to fans for $1 at each basketball or football game.
3. Sell ckets unl halime.
4. Draw the winning cket out of a hat.
5. The winner selected will obtain front row seats to an upcoming game or move seats for the second
half, depending on how you set it up.
Prizes Halime Drawing
1. Sell rae ckets to fans in aendance for the chance at an opportunity to win a special prize.
2. Depending on the number of prizes available, select the winners from the ckets sold to win a prize.
3. Check with your student government associaon or athlecs department to donate prizes or
game ckets.
Halime Contests
1. Sell rae ckets to fans in aendance for the chance to parcipate in halime contests, such as
kicking a eld goal kick from a certain distance at a football game; counng the number of successful
serves to a predetermined target during a volleyball game; or successfully hing a hockey puck into a
cut-out in the goal at a hockey game.
2. Select a certain number of parcipants to parcipate in the halime event.
3. T-shirts, hats and other items donated by your athlecs department should serve as prizes.
4. Ask spectators to donate to Make-A-Wish during halime.
Sell Items at Games
Idenfy possible items to sell during sporng events or special acvies, i.e., pom-poms, foam ngers,
lanyards and T-shirts. Pom-poms and foam ngers are generally great sellers. Make sure to contact the
bookstore to obtain clearance to sell certain products if necessary.
Sporng Admission
Implement an admission fee to a typically open event and donate the cket sales to Make-A-Wish.
An increase in admission price would also work, with the addional fee going to Make-A-Wish
(i.e., $1 from each cket sale will benet Make-A-Wish).
Show Your Support
Chains of Wishes
A fundraiser designed to involve everyone on campus and within the local community.
1. Cut strips of paper and stamp or label with your school logo and include a statement that
says: “In Support of Make-A-Wish
2. Sell these strips for $1-$2 to individuals in support of creang a “Chain of Wishes.
3. Allow individuals who purchase a chain to sign their name and/or write a short message.
4. Connect the strips to form a chain.
5. Presentaon of the chain with the collected donaons will be made to the local Make-A-Wish chapter.
Make-A-Wish Night
Invite wish families to aend a game or sporng event for free. Show an approved Make-A-Wish PSA
early on during the event, and ask the crowd for donaons. At halime, allow a wish family who has
agreed to parcipate to speak about their wish experience and its impact.
1. Designate which event will be your “Make-A-Wish Night.
2. Create yers and markeng materials to adverse your fundraising event.
3. Request the local chapter include details about the event in their newsleers and social media outlets
prior to the event.
4. Determine how funds will be collected during the event (a booth or table at entry points to the venue,
or team members can walk around with collecon buckets to take donaons throughout the event)
and designate who will parcipate in the collecon.
5. Work with your local chapter to nd an appropriate and willing wish family to parcipate in the event.
6. Secure an approved Make-A-Wish PSA from Make-A-Wish America to share during the game.
T-Shirt Sale
Sell athlecs department T-shirts at games and in the dorms. This fundraiser needs to be cleared with the
Compliance Ocer and Athlecs Department Licensee before beginning the project.
1. Get fundraising approval from the Compliance Ocer and Athlecs Department Licensee.
2. Design a T-shirt logo.
3. Have the T-shirts made.
4. Set up a table at a sporng event or in the dorm and sell.
Catch These
Best Pracces
Increase aendance by inving wish kids and their families to aend
and speak at the event.
Show Your Support (CONT.)
Welcome Back Goody Bags
Send out yers to parents of parcipang student-athletes in the athlecs department with
informaon on how to send goody bags to their children to support them during the rst few weeks of
school. For a donaon of $20, the student-athlete will receive a goody bag with items including fruit,
favorite candy bar, juices, crackers and other related snacks. Parents will also be provided an envelope
to enclose a personal leer. All donaons will benet Make-A-Wish.
1. Make yers and forms to send to the parents of student-athletes.
2. Ask local retailers for donaons of various goods and snack items to use in the goody bags. Keep
purchases down as much as possible to ensure fundraising success.
3. Have forms sent back with money by a certain date.
4. Organize goody bags with treats and special notes.
5. Distribute to student-athletes.
6. These bags can also be sold during midterms/nal exams.
Wish Star Sales
1. Visit to download and print paper wish stars (use the
login credenals provided to you by your Make-A-Wish representave).
3. Set a coverage goal: aim to cover all the walls of locker room, etc.
4. Sell the stars during an event or game.
5. Hang the stars on the walls to encourage others to donate and sign their name on a star.
Catch These
Best Pracces
FRIENDLY COMPETITION: Host a compeon between dierent sports
teams (e.g., baseball vs. basketball) or between student-athletes and
coaches/professors/administrators to increase instuonal support.
See who can raise the most funds or generate the highest level of parcipaon.
Its All Fun and Games
Bean Bag Toss (Cornhole, Baggo) Tournament
Student-athletes and enre campus community are invited to compete in a tournament where
winners are awarded prizes.
1. Host event on a campus lawn and have teams bring tents to enhance the environment.
2. Adverse around campus with yers and posters.
3. Determine cket price per person, and sell ckets in advance. Allow for ckets to be purchased on the
day of the event as well.
4. Create a fun environment by seng up outdoor speakers or enlisng a local band or DJ to perform
during the event.
Dodgeball Tournament
Invite each organizaon or athlec team on campus to create a dodgeball team. Each team pays an
entry fee to play. Give each team a “coach” who is a SAAC member. Host a cook out or BBQ during the
tournament where people can buy ckets.
1. Secure a site for the event, preferably a basketball court.
2. Set a date and me for the event.
3. Secure the equipment needed for the event (balls, tables, chairs, etc.).
4. Ensure all team coaches are prepared to educate their team members on the dodgeball rules
and collect all entry fees.
5. Create any markeng materials, such as dodgeball yer, dodgeball logo or parcipant T-shirts.
Golf Tournament
This is a great idea where the funds raised through the event could benet both your instuon’s
athlecs department and Make-A-Wish. Make sure you are clear with parcipants how much benets
Make-A-Wish. This fundraiser needs to be cleared with the athlecs department before beginning.
1. Set up a date to hold the event with a local golf course.
2. Charge a at rate of $75 per individual to parcipate in the event. This rate would include 18 holes of
golf and dinner. Dinner can be something as simple as hamburgers and hot dogs. Funds raised (at least
50 percent) will benet Make-A-Wish.
3. Organize parcipang individuals into foursomes and let them play. Winners will receive a prize or
goody bag. The prize pack may contain a gi cercate from a local restaurant or local merchandiser.
Its All Fun and Games (CONT.)
One Wish, One Night – Game Night
The goal of “One Wish, One Night – Game Night” is to raise enough money in one night to sponsor
a wish for your local chapter. Include games such as a hula hoop contest, limbo, pie-eang contest,
and require parcipants to pay an entry fee for each event they would like to parcipate in. Provide
winners of each event with a prize.
1. Secure a site for the event that allows for plenty of space for mulple acvies at once.
2. Set a date and me for the event.
3. Determine the games that will be played during the event – the more you have, the beer!
4. Secure equipment needed for the event (hula hoops, basketballs, limbo pole, etc.).
5. Enlist a few volunteers to act as referees for each event.
6. Request donaons from local retailers to use as prizes for the winners.
7. Create approved markeng materials and distribute throughout campus and to the local community –
the more parcipants you have, the more funds you will raise.
8. Work with your local chapter to determine the average cost of a wish and designate the number as
your fundraising goal. Include your goal in all markeng materials for the event.
9. Sell ckets in advance and during the actual event.
10. Invite a local band or DJ to perform during the event.
11. Announce your progress on your goal throughout the night to generate excitement and encourage
addional parcipaon and donaons.
Wish kid
Engage The Community
Have local businesses donate items for a student-athlete sponsored aucon to benet Make-A-Wish.
1. Have all donated items organized on a table.
2. Give each person a sign with a number to use to bid.
3. Have an auconeer be responsible for introducing the item up for the aucon and then keep track of
winners by using a computer spreadsheet (a silent wrien aucon would be a great idea as well).
Bake Sale
This fundraiser is a hit before, during and aer big games. Set up right outside the eld/court, and the
baked goods will be gone before you know it!
1. Have student-athletes in the athlecs department or local grocers donate goodies to the bake sale.
2. Designate team members to work shis to sell the goodies.
Car Wash
1. Find a re department or other water resource in your area.
2. Adverse around campus and in the local community.
3. Sell ckets in advance and allow for drive-ups on the day of the event.
4. Start washing.
College Youth Day
Organize a day where students from the community come to your instuon and parcipate in
acvies with your student-athletes. Individuals choosing to parcipate will be asked to donate a
minimum of $5 to Make-A-Wish.
Before the Acvity:
1. Select the date and send yers to local elementary schools.
2. Decide mes and acvies.
3. Select student-athletes and teams to parcipate in the acvity.
4. Check with the campus acvies board to see if funds or a donaon can be made available to provide
snacks/meals, drinks and/or T-shirt for parcipants.
Day of Acvity:
1. Organize parcipants into teams by age and/or previously determined teams.
2. Allow groups to parcipate in acvies at each staon for 15 to 20 minutes. Allow enough me for
each parcipant to complete three to four acvies.
Engage The Community (CONT.)
Flower Sale
Nothing brightens up a tough day beer than owers. Find a local orist who will sell wholesale or
donate owers. Sell the owers in the café or athlec center for $1 a piece.
Flowers can be sold to the general student body and during sporng events.
Pizza Night
Pizza parlors may allow you to sponsor a pizza night where a certain percentage from the pizza and
beverages sold will be donated to Make-A-Wish on behalf of your instuon.
1. Contact a local pizza parlor.
2. Set up a date and me to hold the fundraiser.
3. Adverse around school and in the local community of the special event. Let the public know that a
percentage of sales from the event will go to Make-A-Wish.
Mascot Cards
Mascot cards are great because the money is donated to a good cause, and the recipient of the
card may save money at local restaurants and businesses. Cards should be sold for $10-$15 with a
percentage of the funds raised beneng Make-A-Wish. Cardholders would receive the determined
discount percentage from the selected businesses.
Spare Change Drive
Collect spare change in jars placed in various areas around campus (i.e., dorms, athlec
centers, snack bars, cafés and cket counters) where ckets to athlec events may be sold from students
and student-athletes. Label the front of the collecon jars with Make-A-Wish campaign name.
1. Gather coee cans and milk jugs to use as collecon containers.
2. Distribute clearly marked jars in places around campus.
3. Designate student-athletes to collect change on a daily basis.
Catch These
Best Pracces
Work closely with your Make-A-Wish chapter for assistance and
planning – the chapter may have materials and resources you can use.
Stair Climb
Needs: A mulple-oor building and a trophy
Descripon: From the ground oor to the top oor, who will safely reach to the top of
the staircase rst? Winning individuals get a trophy for the year!
Cost: $10-$25 per person
Needs: Staonary bikes (partner with a local or on-campus gym) and a gi card
Descripon: Bike for a wish. Bikers can raise personal sponsors that provide funds for
the amount of me they bike (i.e., $1 for every 10 minutes).
Food Truck Fun
Needs: A food truck and space for the food truck
Descripon: Ask a food truck to come to the property and raise food prices
between $2-$4. Addional revenue goes to Make-A-Wish.
Ice Cream Social
Needs: Ice cream vendor
Descripon: Host an ice cream social event, build community and fundraise.
Cost: Use a xed rate or ask for donaons.
Dishes for Wishes
Needs: Tables, serving ware, jars, chairs and food provided by the cook o teams
Descripon: Structure this event like a chili cook-o. Make it a compeon between
students. Vote by pung ckets or money in the jar for the dish you are vong for.
Evening of Shopping
Needs: Vendors and primary locaon
Descripon: Solicit local merchants in your area to hold a special fundraiser to benet
Make-A-Wish. Many local businesses will do a 10/10 sale (10 percent o for customers in
order to incenvize them to shop, with 10 percent of all proceeds going to charity).
Other FUNdraising Ideas
Miracle Minute Coin Drive
Needs: Volunteers to collect change and buckets
Descripon: Encourage students, faculty, sta and fans to donate their change
or dollars to Make-A-Wish at a sports event or residence hall.
Pie in the Face
Needs: Pie containers, whipped cream, tables, table cloth and a prize
Descripon: Whip up a lile fun, either as a separate event or as part of a grand nale to
your Wish Week, by inving students to donate $5 to pie their professors, coaches and peers
in the face. All you need to do is ll pie containers with whipped cream and charge $5 per
parcipant, the person who gets the most requests to be pied in the face wins a prize.
Re-focus an Exisng Campus Acvity
Needs: An already exisng scheduled event and a volunteer to collect donaons
Descripon: Turn your end of year picnic or school event into a an opportunity to help
make life-changing wishes come true for children with crical illnesses by collecng a small
donaon at the door. You can also add a rae or a silent aucon to raise more money.
Other FUNraising Ideas (CONT.)
Ask two friends
to each donate $5
Ask three people
on your team to
each donate $10
Ask four people at
your place of worship
or student group to
each donate $5
Ask three relaves to
each donate $10
Ask ve friends on
social media to each
donate $2
Five Steps to Raise $100!
Put a call out on social media and/or your fundraising plaorm for friendly
support of your fundraiser.
Important Reminder
Student-athletes should check with their campus athlecs compliance ocer for nal approval and
compliance with NCAA rules and regulaons before comming to any fundraising project. For further
claricaon on any fundraising projects listed below, please contact the NCAA Naonal Oce.
Any Quesons?
We’ve got answers. Reach out to your NCAA Division II representave or contact Amanda Benzine
at the NCAA Naonal Oce at or 317.917.6694, or Andrew Kluge from the
Make-A-Wish Naonal Oce at aklug[email protected].
Thank you, NCAA Division II, for your me, talent and dedicaon
to our partnership! Here’s to a great year!
Wish kid
I wish to have
a golf simulator
Dakota, 15